8.10 Sharpen Edges (Triangle Mesh)
This tool provides the possibility to sharpen edges of triangle meshes interactively. This
functionality is available if a single triangle mesh is loaded. The following toolbox appears:
Move the mouse over the triangle mesh area you want to edit. If view mode is currently active,
change to tool mode by pressing <Space Bar> in the 3D viewer.
A circle is displayed around the mouse cursor, showing the radius of effect of the tool (“brush
size”). It can be resized with the mouse wheel or by drag and drop with the middle mouse
To sharpen edges, left-click on the beginning of the area and keep the mouse button pressed.
Now drag the cursor over the object to mark the area you want to modify. When you release
the left mouse button, the edges in the marked area are automatically sharpened.
Min. Angle
parameter defines the minimum angle an edge must have in order to be
sharpened. A theoretical value of 0 means that all data is modified, a value of 180 means that
no data is modified.
If you are not satisfied with the result, click
to undo the last action or actions you
8.11 Alignment Calibration
How to use this toolbox is described in detail in chapter 0 Calibration.