Displays the name of the reference point and allows renaming it
Displays the position of the current point
If available: Direction from which the reference point was measured; the
length of the direction vector is normalized to 1 and the point is shown in
green. If no direction information is available, the fields display (0, 0, 0) and
the point is shown in blue.
Tooltip radius:
Displays the radius of the T-Probe’s tip with which the point was acquired.
Convert to
Only applicable to lines; the following dialog appears:
The NURBS curve passes exactly through the measurement points. By
adjusting the
Polynomial degree
and choosing the method, you can define
how the NURBS curve will be created.
The NURBS curve is approximated to the measurement points and will not
deviate by more than the specified maximum error at the control points. By
adjusting the
Polynomial degree
and choosing the method, you can define
how the NURBS curve will be created.
Three methods are available: