background image

Faucet Maintenance

To improve the flow, disconnect the
sprayhead, then clean the screen
washer. Reassemble.

Entretien du robinet

Pour améliorer le débit, déconnecter
la tête du vaporisateur, puis nettoyer
la rondelle à grille. Réassembler.

Mantenimiento de la grifería

Para mejorar el flujo, desconecte la
cabeza del rociador, luego limpie la
arandela de rejilla. Vuelva a


For service parts information, visit your product page at


For care and cleaning and other information go to:


KOHLER® Faucet Lifetime Limited Warranty

Kohler Co. warrants its Faucets* manufactured after January 1, 1997, to be leak
and drip free during normal residential use for as long as the original consumer
purchaser owns his or her home. If the Faucet should leak or drip during normal
use, Kohler Co. will, free of charge, mail to the purchaser the cartridge necessary
to put the Faucet in good working condition. This warranty applies only to Kohler
Faucets installed in the United States of America, Canada or Mexico ("North
Kohler Co. also warrants all other aspects of the faucet or accessories ("Faucet")*,
(except gold, non-Vibrant®, non-chrome finishes) to be free of defects in material
and workmanship during normal residential use for as long as the original consumer
purchaser owns his or her home. This warranty applies only to Kohler Faucets
installed in North America. If a defect is found in normal residential use, Kohler
Co. will, at its election, repair, provide a replacement part or product, or make
appropriate adjustment. Damage to a product caused by accident, misuse, or
abuse is not covered by this warranty. Improper care and cleaning will void the
warranty**. Proof of purchase (original sales receipt) must be provided to Kohler
Co. with all warranty claims. Kohler Co. is not responsible for labor charges,
installation, or other incidental or consequential costs. In no event shall the liability
of Kohler Co. exceed the purchase price of the Faucet.
If the Faucet is used commercially or is installed outside of North America, or if
the finish is gold, non-Vibrant or a painted or powder coated color finish, Kohler
Co. warrants the Faucet to be free from defects in material and workmanship for
one (1) year from the date the product is installed, under Kohler Co.'s standard
one-year limited warranty.
If you believe that you have a warranty claim, contact Kohler Co., either through
your Dealer, Plumbing Contractor, Home Center or E-tailer, or by writing Kohler
Co., Attn.: Customer Care Center, 444 Highland Drive, Kohler, WI 53044, USA.
Please be sure to provide all pertinent information regarding your claim, including
a complete description of the problem, the product, model number, color, finish,
the date the product was purchased and from whom the product was purchased.
Also include your original invoice. For other information, or to obtain the name
and address of the service and repair facility nearest you, call 1-800-4-KOHLER
(1-800-456-4537) from within the USA and Canada, and 001-800-456-4537 from
within Mexico, or visit

 within the USA,


within Canada, or

 in Mexico.

CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations
of how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of such
damages, so these limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This
warranty gives the consumer specific legal rights. You may also have other
rights that vary from state/province to state/province.

This is Kohler Co.'s exclusive written warranty.

*Trend® faucets, MasterShower® tower, BodySpa systems and components;
WaterHaven® tower, systems and components; Tripoint® faucets, Polished Gold,
non-Vibrant and painted or powder coated finishes, fittings; all items within the
"Fixture Related" section of the Kohler Faucets Price Book, drains, Duostrainer®
sink strainers, soap/lotion dispensers, Moxie™ Wireless Speaker; and faucets
used in commercial settings, and outside North America, are covered by Kohler
Co.'s one-year limited warranty.
**Never use cleaners containing abrasive cleansers, ammonia, bleach, acids,
waxes, alcohol, solvents or other products not recommended for chrome. This
will void the warranty.

USA/Canada: 1-800-4KOHLER
Mexico: 001-800-456-4537


Para información sobre piezas de repuesto, visite la página de su producto



Pour tout renseignement sur les pièces de rechange, visiter la page du
produit à


Para el cuidado y la limpieza y otra información visite:


Pour tout renseignement sur l'entretien, le nettoyage et autre, visiter:


Garantía limitada de por vida para la grifería KOHLER®

Kohler Co. garantiza que la Grifería* fabricada después del 1 de enero de 1997
está libre de problemas de fugas y goteo durante el uso residencial normal,
mientras el comprador consumidor original sea el propietario de su casa. En caso
de que la Grifería presente fugas o goteo durante el uso normal, Kohler Co. enviará
por correo y sin ningún cargo al comprador original, el cartucho necesario para
que la Grifería funcione correctamente. Esta garantía se aplica sólo a la Grifería
Kohler instalada en los Estados Unidos de América, Canadá o México
Kohler Co. también garantiza que todas las demás características de la grifería
o accesorios ("Grifería")*, (excepto los acabados de oro, que no sean Vibrant®,
o que no sean de cromo) están libres de defectos de material y mano de obra,
durante el uso residencial normal, mientras el comprador consumidor original sea
el propietario de su casa. Esta garantía se aplica sólo a la Grifería Kohler instalada
en Norteamérica. Si se encuentra un defecto durante el uso residencial normal,
Kohler Co., a su criterio, reparará, proveerá un repuesto o producto, o realizará
los ajustes pertinentes. Esta garantía no cubre daños causados por accidente,
abuso o uso indebido del producto. El cuidado y la limpieza indebidos anularán
la garantía**. Al presentar las reclamaciones de garantía a Kohler Co., es necesario
incluir la prueba de compra (recibo de venta original). Kohler Co. no se hace
responsable de costos de mano de obra, instalación u otros costos incidentales
o indirectos. En ningún caso la responsabilidad de Kohler Co. excederá el precio
de compra de la Grifería.
Si la Grifería se utiliza comercialmente o se instala fuera del territorio de
Norteamérica, o si el acabado es de oro, no es Vibrant o un acabado de color
con revestimiento de pintura o polvo, Kohler Co. garantiza que la Grifería está
libre de defectos de material y mano de obra por un (1) año, a partir de la fecha
de instalación, bajo la garantía limitada de un año estándar de Kohler Co.
Si usted considera que tiene una reclamación en virtud de la garantía,
comuníquese con Kohler Co. a través de su distribuidor, contratista de plomería,
centro de remodelación o distribuidor por Internet, o escriba a Kohler Co., Attn.:
Customer Care Center, 444 Highland Drive, Kohler, WI 53044, USA. Por favor,
asegúrese de proporcionar toda la información pertinente a su reclamación,
incluyendo una descripción completa del problema, el producto, el número de
modelo, el color, el acabado, la fecha de compra y el lugar de compra del producto.
También incluya el recibo original. Para información adicional, o para obtener el
nombre y dirección del lugar de reparación y servicio más cercano a usted, llame
al 1-800-4-KOHLER (1-800-456-4537) desde los EE.UU. y Canadá, y al
001-800-456-4537 desde México, o visite

 desde los EE.UU.,

 desde Canadá, o

 en México.

Algunos estados/provincias no permiten limitaciones en cuanto a la duración
de una garantía implícita o a la exclusión o limitación de dichos daños, por
lo que estas limitaciones y exclusiones pueden no aplicar a su caso. Esta
garantía otorga al consumidor ciertos derechos legales específicos. Además,
usted puede tener otros derechos que varían de estado a estado y provincia
a provincia.

Ésta es la garantía exclusiva por escrito de Kohler Co.

*La grifería Trend® la torre MasterShower®, los sistemas y componentes BodySpa,
la torre, sistemas y componentes WaterHaven®, las griferías Tripoint®, el acabado
en oro pulido, que no sea Vibrant y los acabados con revestimiento de pintura o
en polvo, las conexiones, todos los artículos contenidos en la sección "Fixture
Related" de la lista de precios de la grifería Kohler, los desagües, las coladeras
de fregadero Duostrainer®, los dispensadores de jabón y loción, la bocina
inalámbrica Moxie™; y la grifería de uso comercial e instalada fuera del territorio
de Norteamérica, están cubiertos por la garantía limitada de un año de Kohler
**Nunca utilice limpiadores que contengan limpiadores abrasivos, amoniaco,
blanqueador, ácidos, ceras, alcohol, disolventes u otros productos no
recomendados para el cromo. Esto anulará la garantía.

Garantie limitée à vie du robinet KOHLER®

Kohler Co. garantit que les robinets* fabriqués après le 1er janvier 1997 ne fuient
pas et ne gouttent pas lors d'une utilisation domestique normale, aussi longtemps
que l'acquéreur d'origine demeure propriétaire de son domicile. Si le robinet goutte
ou présente des fuites lors d'une utilisation normale, Kohler Co. enverra par
courrier à l'acheteur, sans frais, la cartouche nécessaire pour réparer le robinet.
La présente garantie s'applique uniquement aux robinets Kohler installés aux
États-Unis, au Canada ou au Mexique ("Amérique du Nord").
Kohler Co. garantit également toutes les autres caractéristiques du robinet ou
des accessoires ("Robinet")*, (à l'exception des finitions dorées, non-Vibrant®,
non chromées) contre tout vice de matériau et de fabrication lors d'une utilisation
domestique normale, aussi longtemps que l'acquéreur d'origine demeure
propriétaire de son domicile. La présente garantie s'applique uniquement aux
robinets Kohler installés en Amérique du Nord. Si un vice est décelé lors d'une
utilisation domestique normale, Kohler Co. choisira, à sa discrétion, la réparation,
le remplacement ou la rectification appropriée. Cette garantie n'offre pas de
protection contre les dommages dus à un accident, une mauvaise utilisation ou
un mauvais traitement. Un entretien et un nettoyage inadéquats annulent la
garantie**. Une preuve d'achat (ticket de caisse d'origine) doit être présentée à
Kohler Co. avec toutes les réclamations au titre de la garantie. Kohler Co. n'est
pas responsable des frais de main-d'œuvre, d'installation ou de tout autre frais
particulier, accessoire ou indirect. La responsabilité de Kohler Co. ne dépassera
en aucun cas le prix d'achat du robinet.
Si le robinet est utilisé dans un commerce ou s'il est installé en dehors d'Amérique
du Nord, ou si la finition est dorée, non-Vibrant, peinte ou revêtue d'une poudre,
Kohler Co. garantit le robinet contre tout vice de matériau et de fabrication pendant
un (1) an à partir de la date d'installation du produit, selon les modalités de la
garantie limitée standard d'un an de Kohler Co.
Pour toute réclamation au titre de la présente garantie, contacter Kohler Co. par
l'intermédiaire du vendeur, plombier, centre de rénovation ou revendeur par
internet, ou bien par écrit à l'adresse suivante Kohler Co., Attn.: Customer Care
Center, 444 Highland Drive, Kohler, WI 53044, USA. Fournir tous les
renseignements pertinents à la réclamation, dont notamment une description
complète du problème et du produit, le numéro de modèle, la couleur, la finition,
la date et le lieu d'achat du produit. Joindre également l'original de la facture. Pour
de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir les coordonnées du service
d'entretien et de réparation le plus proche, appeler le 1-800-4-KOHLER
(1-800-456-4537) depuis les É.-U. et le Canada et le 001-800-456-4537 depuis
le Mexique, ou visiter

 aux É.-U.,

 au Canada


 au Mexique.

et provinces ne permettent pas de limite sur la durée de la garantie tacite,
ni l'exclusion ou la limite des dommages, et, par conséquent, lesdites limites
et exclusions peuvent ne pas s'appliquer à votre cas. La présente garantie
accorde au consommateur des droits juridiques particuliers. Vous pouvez
également avoir d'autres droits qui varient d'un état ou d'une province à

Ceci constitue la garantie écrite exclusive de Kohler Co.

*Les robinets Trend®, la colonne MasterShower®, les systèmes et éléments
BodySpa; la colonne, les systèmes et les éléments WaterHaven®; les robinets
Tripoint®; les finitions or poli, non-Vibrant et peintes ou à revêtement de poudre,
les raccords; tous les articles de la section "Fixture Related" du catalogue des
prix des robinets Kohler, les drains, les crépines d'évier Duostrainer®, les
distributeurs de savon/lotion, le haut-parleur Moxie™ sans fil; et les robinets
utilisés dans des milieux commerciaux et hors de l'Amérique du Nord, sont couverts
par la garantie limitée d'un an de Kohler Co.
**Ne jamais utiliser de nettoyants contenant des agents abrasifs, de l'ammoniaque,
de l'eau de Javel, des acides, des cires, de l'alcool, des dissolvants ou autres
produits non recommandés pour le chrome. Ceci annulera la garantie.



© 2013 Kohler Co.


Содержание K-3363

Страница 1: ...Spec Seq 72 S 1...

Страница 2: ...NA K 3363 1 Top mount kitchen sink 1 hole NA Optional Accessories K 3367 Hardwood cutting board NA K 5917 Countertop cutting board NA K 8801 Duostrainer sink strainer CP Other_____ K 8803 with K 8804...

Страница 3: ...stallation Notes Install this product according to the installation guide Cut out is 19 1 2 495 mm x 19 1 2 495 mm with 1 25 mm radius corners 3 8 10 mm K 3363 3 K 3363 2 K 3363 1 20 508 mm 10 254 mm...

Страница 4: ...ment R gler la d coupe si n cessaire Verifique que quede bien Ajuste la abertura si es necesario Apply silicone sealant around the underside of the sink rim Appliquer un agent d tanch it la silicone a...

Страница 5: ...OHLER CO ET OU LE REVENDEUR D CLINENT TOUTE RESPONSABILIT CONTRE LES DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS IMPR VUS OU DE CIRCONSTANCE Certains tats provinces ne permettent pas la limitation sur la dur e de la garant...

Страница 6: ...escription Colors Finishes K 647 Pull down kitchen sink faucet 9 229 mm spout reach shown CP VS Other ____ K 649 Pull down kitchen sink faucet 8 203 mm spout reach CP VS Other ____ Product Specificati...

Страница 7: to the installation guide ADA compliant when installed to the specific requirements of these regulations 12 305 mm Max 29 737 mm Supply Hoses with 3 8 Compression Fitting 1 1 2 38 mm Max Sink Thic...

Страница 8: le logo vers l arri re Placer les vis sur l avant et l ar ri re Serrer les vis Coloque el logo hacia la parte posterior Coloque los tornillos en el frente y atr s Apriete los tornillos Washer Ronde...

Страница 9: ...n 1 a o a partir de la fecha de instalaci n bajo la garant a limitada de un a o est ndar de Kohler Co Si usted considera que tiene una reclamaci n en virtud de la garant a comun quese con Kohler Co a...

Страница 10: ...Brass 9 Washer Rubber 10 Friction Washer Paper 11 Lock Nut Brass 12 Washer PE 13 Tailpiece Nut Brass 14 Tailpiece Brass CERTIFICATIONS cUPC www mainlinecollection com Heavy Duty Forged Brass Body Bras...

Страница 11: ...l damages incurred in installation repair or replacement of the faucet In no event shall the liability of MAINLINE exceed the purchase price of the Product Any damages to this faucet as a result of mi...

Страница 12: ...all s aux tats Unis d Am rique et au Canada Si vous avez des questions ou des pr occupations concernant notre plan de garantie veuillez appeler au 225 295 4212 MAINLINE recommande de faire appel un pl...

Страница 13: ...2 2 2 6 13 8904CBECO 5 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 18 Box Brass 8912C18BECO 8872CBECO C8872CECO 8904CBECO 8912CBECO C8912CECO 8912CNCBECO 8912C18BECO Chrome plated P Trap shall be cast brass body with or...

Страница 14: kit shall include heavy pattern chrome plated brass stops with full turn brass stem no plastic 12 15 20 inch chrome plated copper risers and shallow deep bell steel or brass or forged brass with se...

Страница 15: ...Spec Seq 81 S 2...

Страница 16: ...9 1 Top mount kitchen sink single hole NA Optional Accessories K 3194 Stainless steel bottom bowl rack for left bowl only ST K 3196 Stainless steel bottom bowl rack for right bowl only ST K 3370 Stacc...

Страница 17: ...otes Install this product according to the installation guide Cut out is 32 1 2 826 mm x 21 1 2 546 mm with 1 25 mm radius corners 4 102 mm K 3369 3 K 3369 1 16 1 2 419 mm 4 102 mm 3 8 10 mm 33 838 mm...

Страница 18: ...ment R gler la d coupe si n cessaire Verifique que quede bien Ajuste la abertura si es necesario Apply silicone sealant around the underside of the sink rim Appliquer un agent d tanch it la silicone a...

Страница 19: ...OHLER CO ET OU LE REVENDEUR D CLINENT TOUTE RESPONSABILIT CONTRE LES DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS IMPR VUS OU DE CIRCONSTANCE Certains tats provinces ne permettent pas la limitation sur la dur e de la garant...

Страница 20: ...escription Colors Finishes K 647 Pull down kitchen sink faucet 9 229 mm spout reach shown CP VS Other ____ K 649 Pull down kitchen sink faucet 8 203 mm spout reach CP VS Other ____ Product Specificati...

Страница 21: to the installation guide ADA compliant when installed to the specific requirements of these regulations 12 305 mm Max 29 737 mm Supply Hoses with 3 8 Compression Fitting 1 1 2 38 mm Max Sink Thic...

Страница 22: le logo vers l arri re Placer les vis sur l avant et l ar ri re Serrer les vis Coloque el logo hacia la parte posterior Coloque los tornillos en el frente y atr s Apriete los tornillos Washer Ronde...

Страница 23: ...n 1 a o a partir de la fecha de instalaci n bajo la garant a limitada de un a o est ndar de Kohler Co Si usted considera que tiene una reclamaci n en virtud de la garant a comun quese con Kohler Co a...

Страница 24: le logo vers l arri re Placer les vis sur l avant et l ar ri re Serrer les vis Coloque el logo hacia la parte posterior Coloque los tornillos en el frente y atr s Apriete los tornillos Washer Ronde...

Страница 25: ...n 1 a o a partir de la fecha de instalaci n bajo la garant a limitada de un a o est ndar de Kohler Co Si usted considera que tiene una reclamaci n en virtud de la garant a comun quese con Kohler Co a...

Страница 26: ...Brass 9 Washer Rubber 10 Friction Washer Paper 11 Lock Nut Brass 12 Washer PE 13 Tailpiece Nut Brass 14 Tailpiece Brass CERTIFICATIONS cUPC www mainlinecollection com Heavy Duty Forged Brass Body Bras...

Страница 27: ...l damages incurred in installation repair or replacement of the faucet In no event shall the liability of MAINLINE exceed the purchase price of the Product Any damages to this faucet as a result of mi...

Страница 28: ...all s aux tats Unis d Am rique et au Canada Si vous avez des questions ou des pr occupations concernant notre plan de garantie veuillez appeler au 225 295 4212 MAINLINE recommande de faire appel un pl...

Страница 29: ...2 2 2 6 13 8904CBECO 5 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 18 Box Brass 8912C18BECO 8872CBECO C8872CECO 8904CBECO 8912CBECO C8912CECO 8912CNCBECO 8912C18BECO Chrome plated P Trap shall be cast brass body with or...

Страница 30: kit shall include heavy pattern chrome plated brass stops with full turn brass stem no plastic 12 15 20 inch chrome plated copper risers and shallow deep bell steel or brass or forged brass with se...

Страница 31: ...Spec Seq 90 WF 1...

Страница 32: ...n infrared sensor which activates a flow of tempered water from one station Shut off is automatic after hands are removed from the detection area The infrared sensor uses a conical shaped transmitting...

Страница 33: ...t one AST Air Metering IR Adaptive Infrared BIR3 Battery Infrared TT TouchTime Metering Soap Dispenser select one LSD Liquid Soap Dispenser NSD No Soap Dispenser Color of Terreon select one Standard C...

Страница 34: ...Wall Stub Out Min 1 1 2 7 1 8 181 9 1 2 241 5 127 Finished Floor 1 2 Nominal Copper Tubing For Supplies Stub Out Min 1 1 2 from Wall 7 1 2 191 19 1 2 495 1 1 2 NPT Waste Connection For Use With 1 1 2...

Страница 35: than 80 psi Make sure that all water supply lines have been flushed and then completely turned off before beginning installation Debris in supply lines can cause valves to malfunction Hardware supp...

Страница 36: ...noid valve allowing each user to activate a single flow of water Each valve uses less than half the maximum amount of hot water allowed by the ANSI ASHRAE IES 90A 1980 Standard Barrier free and ADA co...

Страница 37: ...op Hose Valve Assembly with Two Mounting Screws Battery Holder Battery MOUNTING PANELS LOWER BRACKET Parts included with the Tri Fount Separate all parts from packaging materials and ensure you have a...

Страница 38: ...2 241 STD 8 1 2 216 OBC 5 1 2 140 JUV 5 127 Finished Floor 1 2 Nominal Copper Tubing For Supplies Stub Out Min 1 1 2 from Wall 7 1 2 191 19 1 2 495 1 1 2 NPT Waste Connection For Use With 1 1 2 Tubula...

Страница 39: ...ssembly to the wall using appropriate lifting procedures and align the locating notches on the mounting panel with the centerline marked on the wall If the floor is not level install shims under the l...

Страница 40: on the side of the left pedestal panel Do not thread the screw completely into the panel but allow 5 16 of the screw to be exposed D Connect the other end of each supply hose to the Navigator TMV v...

Страница 41: ...two 3 8 bolts and washers supplied by installer G Fasten the bowl to the upper bracket on the pedestal assembly with the two 1 4 20 x 1 2 round head screws and 5 16 I D washers supplied H Install the...

Страница 42: ...d attached to the solenoid with the black supply tube C Connect the sensor cable from the center station to the circuit board attached to the solenoid with the green supply tube D Connect the sensor c...

Страница 43: ...ater in excess of 110 F 43 C may cause scalding H C D Loosen Cap Screw about 4 6 turns and lift up cover do not remove E Using cover turn cartridge gently until desired water temperature is reached Do...

Страница 44: ...ley recommends additional care and maintenance for the darker colored Terreon For complete instructions on this additional maintenance see Bradley document 1505 Do not use strong acid or alkaline chem...

Страница 45: ...products leave a protective coating that helps prevent future smears and fingerprints Grease and Oil To remove grease and oil use a quality commercial detergent or caustic cleaner Apply in accordance...

Страница 46: ...the battery plug from the adjacent working valve to the problem valve Wait for ten seconds Activate the problem station s sensor ten times The station should turn on If the station turns on and cycles...

Страница 47: ...hru 2 1 269 983 Diaphragm 3 1 269 577 Armature 4 1 269 578 Spring 5 1 269 1729 Armature Housing 6 1 269 1730 Clamp Armature Housing 7 1 269 579 Coil Solenoid Valve 8 3 160 447 Screw 8 x 5 8 9 1 125 16...

Страница 48: ...water temperature or temperature fluctuation Hot water supply is not 10 above desired set point Increase hot water supply temperature Valve temperature is not properly set Adjust the temperature as sh...

Страница 49: ......

Страница 50: ...Spec Seq 94 MB 1...

Страница 51: ...Basin model 63M as manufactured by E L Mustee Sons Inc Unit to be one piece molded fiberglass made with matched metal molds using extreme heat and pressure Height shall be 10 with not less than 1 wid...

Страница 52: ...5431 West 164th Street Brook Park Ohio 44142 Spec Seq 96 189085...

Страница 53: ...Spec Seq 96 189085...

Страница 54: ...Spec Seq 96 189085...

Страница 55: ...5431 West 164th Street Brook Park Ohio 44142 Spec Seq 96 189085...

Страница 56: ...ications ___________________________________________________ 8 Fixed Centers 3 Cross Handle Slow Compression Operating Cartridge Stop Valve 1 2 NPT Female Thread Inlets 3 4 Male Hose Thread Outlet 5 3...

Страница 57: ..._____________________________________________ Installation should be in accordance with local plumbing codes Flush all pipes thoroughly before installation After installation remove spout outlet or fl...

Страница 58: ...Cartridge Maintenance Repair Guide Spec Seq 98 361769...

Страница 59: ...ures are limited to minor problems that are the result of normal wear and not intended to cover repairs that are the result of damage caused by abuse or vandalism Ceramic Cartridge Replacement 3 Renew...

Страница 60: ...on and fully tighten right cap nut to 20 to 27 ft lb torque Return handle to closed position Note No replacement parts for ceramic cartridges sold only as complete assembly Ensure cartridges are in th...

Страница 61: ...marked with an asterisk are parts that are recommended for replacement when renewing these operating cartridges Other parts not marked may require replacement depending on the amount of wear they hav...

Страница 62: ...light grease before the plunger is inserted into the sleeve K STEP 5 Replace Monel seat L seat washer M retainer N cup washer O and tighten nut P securely STEP 6 Replace O Ring J with new O Ring inser...

Страница 63: ...ring Cartridge 1 With handle in place purge cartridge of air by pushing completely down 4 8 times rapidly then check timing cycle 2 Remove handle with a 3 32 allen wrench 3 Use a standard pair of plie...

Страница 64: ...a wrench remove actuator assembly Step 5 Grasp cartridge valve top with needle nose pliers remove MVP cartridge from valve body Be careful not to bend pin Remove filter screen from inside of body wit...

Страница 65: ...003JKCP Bonnet Cap 433 042JKRBF Sleeve 244 006JKNF Seat Washer 333 040JKNF Cup 1 031JKNF Washer 333 075JKNF Dash Pot 319 012JKRBF Washer 319 140JKNF O Rings No 333 X NAIAD is used for all No 333 Basin...

Страница 66: cap F Replace the packing arrangement on stem assembly A by sliding washer C on stem and then leather washer D between the two O Rings E onto the stem Next slide cap F onto stem A and firmly slide...

Страница 67: ...s running time 2 Raise up front of tilt handle to expose screw B use 6 allen key 3 Set screw B adjusted all the way in gives maximum running time Adjust set screw B out counter clockwise for less runn...

Страница 68: ...m with spring washer and packing properly assembled back into cap and sleeve Now assemble lower cartridge parts in proper relation and insert pin or pin wrench in stem hole again and tighten nut 15 Gr...

Страница 69: ...led Cap Right Hand Long Stem 376 CXJKNF Slow Compression Cartridge with Integral Check Valve 937 XSTNF Steam Cartridge 962 XJKNF Needle Point Cartridge for Lab Use 966 XJKNF Micro Needle Point Brass S...

Страница 70: ...XTRHBL12JKABNF Replacement Cartridges for Existing ECAST Installations Chicago Faucets has a line of cartridges that should be used to repair or update any existing ECAST product installation These ca...

Страница 71: ...KRBF 2 24 9 O Rings 1 219JKNF 2 24 25 O Rings 1 328JKNF 4 2 Chrome Plated Caps 1 214JKCP 6 Handle Screws 420 010JKRCF 4 12 6 Stem Nuts 333 097JKNF 12 6 Stem Nut Washers 1 031JKNF 2 24 6 Cap Thread Gas...

Страница 72: ...06JKNF 2 1 Pin Wrenches 244 025JKNF 6 3 Stem Nuts 333 097JKNF 6 3 Stem Nut Washers 1 031JKNF 2 12 6 Seats 1 027JKNF 2 Sleeves 433 042JKRBF 2 20 6 Cap Thread Gaskets 1 043JKNF 4 2 Dashpot 333 075JKNF R...

Страница 73: ...ings in the United States offering a complete range of products for schools laboratories hospitals office buildings food service airports and sports facilities Whatever your requirements may be Chicag...


Страница 75: ...roducto No utilice limpiadores abrasivos productos qu micos o solventes ya que causan da os a la superficie Use jab n suave con agua tibia para limpiar y proteger la vida de los accesorios Chicago Fau...

Страница 76: ...Cartridge Maintenance Repair Guide Spec Seq 98 361769...

Страница 77: ...ures are limited to minor problems that are the result of normal wear and not intended to cover repairs that are the result of damage caused by abuse or vandalism Ceramic Cartridge Replacement 3 Renew...

Страница 78: ...on and fully tighten right cap nut to 20 to 27 ft lb torque Return handle to closed position Note No replacement parts for ceramic cartridges sold only as complete assembly Ensure cartridges are in th...

Страница 79: ...marked with an asterisk are parts that are recommended for replacement when renewing these operating cartridges Other parts not marked may require replacement depending on the amount of wear they hav...

Страница 80: ...light grease before the plunger is inserted into the sleeve K STEP 5 Replace Monel seat L seat washer M retainer N cup washer O and tighten nut P securely STEP 6 Replace O Ring J with new O Ring inser...

Страница 81: ...ring Cartridge 1 With handle in place purge cartridge of air by pushing completely down 4 8 times rapidly then check timing cycle 2 Remove handle with a 3 32 allen wrench 3 Use a standard pair of plie...

Страница 82: ...a wrench remove actuator assembly Step 5 Grasp cartridge valve top with needle nose pliers remove MVP cartridge from valve body Be careful not to bend pin Remove filter screen from inside of body wit...

Страница 83: ...003JKCP Bonnet Cap 433 042JKRBF Sleeve 244 006JKNF Seat Washer 333 040JKNF Cup 1 031JKNF Washer 333 075JKNF Dash Pot 319 012JKRBF Washer 319 140JKNF O Rings No 333 X NAIAD is used for all No 333 Basin...

Страница 84: cap F Replace the packing arrangement on stem assembly A by sliding washer C on stem and then leather washer D between the two O Rings E onto the stem Next slide cap F onto stem A and firmly slide...

Страница 85: ...s running time 2 Raise up front of tilt handle to expose screw B use 6 allen key 3 Set screw B adjusted all the way in gives maximum running time Adjust set screw B out counter clockwise for less runn...

Страница 86: ...m with spring washer and packing properly assembled back into cap and sleeve Now assemble lower cartridge parts in proper relation and insert pin or pin wrench in stem hole again and tighten nut 15 Gr...

Страница 87: ...led Cap Right Hand Long Stem 376 CXJKNF Slow Compression Cartridge with Integral Check Valve 937 XSTNF Steam Cartridge 962 XJKNF Needle Point Cartridge for Lab Use 966 XJKNF Micro Needle Point Brass S...

Страница 88: ...XTRHBL12JKABNF Replacement Cartridges for Existing ECAST Installations Chicago Faucets has a line of cartridges that should be used to repair or update any existing ECAST product installation These ca...

Страница 89: ...KRBF 2 24 9 O Rings 1 219JKNF 2 24 25 O Rings 1 328JKNF 4 2 Chrome Plated Caps 1 214JKCP 6 Handle Screws 420 010JKRCF 4 12 6 Stem Nuts 333 097JKNF 12 6 Stem Nut Washers 1 031JKNF 2 24 6 Cap Thread Gas...

Страница 90: ...06JKNF 2 1 Pin Wrenches 244 025JKNF 6 3 Stem Nuts 333 097JKNF 6 3 Stem Nut Washers 1 031JKNF 2 12 6 Seats 1 027JKNF 2 Sleeves 433 042JKRBF 2 20 6 Cap Thread Gaskets 1 043JKNF 4 2 Dashpot 333 075JKNF R...

Страница 91: ...ings in the United States offering a complete range of products for schools laboratories hospitals office buildings food service airports and sports facilities Whatever your requirements may be Chicag...

Страница 92: ...ture Standardly equipped to allow sill cock to be drained Constructed of durable corrosion resistant reinforced thermoplastic Tamper proof feature 8AC 8C 8BC or NF8C Same as above but furnished with c...

Страница 93: ...Note Do not use Models 8 8A 8B 8P 8FR Hose Bibb Vacuum Breakers on frost free hydrants Specify Model NF8 Do not use where discharge of water is objectionable Hose Bibb Vacuum Breaker kPa psi 276 40 2...

Страница 94: ...Spec Seq 100 SH 1...

Страница 95: ...ars 0 Other_____ K 12100 P Module with fold up seat on right polished stainless steel grab bars 0 Other_____ K 12101 C Module with fold up seat on left brushed stainless steel grab bars 0 Other_____ K...

Страница 96: ...ame and fixture may be required Provide clear floor space per ICC ANSI A117 1 and as shown Will comply with ADA when installed according to the requirements of the Accessibility Guidelines Section 4 2...

Страница 97: ...2102 K 12103 K 12104 K 12107 K 12108 K 12109 K 12110 K 12111 K 12112 K 12113 M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M Fran...

Страница 98: avoid costly mistakes Observe all local plumbing and building codes A variety of installations are possible These instructions show suggested installation procedures Your particular installation m...

Страница 99: ...s are to the inside of the wall board Dimensions given in the rough in information are crucial for proper installation Construct the framing and plumbing accurately NOTE The basin area requires no add...

Страница 100: ...ts Represents 24 61 cm wall mount slide bar Represents clear floor space for 48 121 9 cm x 60 152 4 cm front entrance 36 91 4 cm 48 121 9 cm Recess opening must be 69 1 2 176 5 cm x 84 1 4 214 cm 60 1...

Страница 101: ...ts clear floor space for 48 121 9 cm x 36 91 4 cm front entrance 36 91 4 cm 48 121 9 cm Recess opening must be 45 1 4 114 9 cm x 84 1 4 214 cm 9 22 9 cm 36 91 4 cm 45 114 3 cm 2 1 2 6 4 cm 1 2 1 3 cm...

Страница 102: ...ntrance 36 91 4 cm 48 121 9 cm Recess opening must be 52 1 4 132 7 cm x 84 1 4 214 cm 26 66 cm 43 109 2 cm 52 132 1 cm 37 94 cm 19 48 3 cm 84 213 4 cm 3 1 4 8 3 cm 5 12 7 cm 1 1 4 3 2 cm Elbow Supply...

Страница 103: ...3 2 cm 18 45 7 cm Max 3 1 4 8 3 cm 84 213 4 cm 37 94 cm K 12113 43 109 2 cm 43 109 2 cm Represents control area for faucets Represents 24 61 cm wall mount slide bar Represents clear floor space for 36...

Страница 104: ...ld specify the quantity and size of the reinforcing joists and headers Size the joists subflooring underlayment and floor covering to make the finished floor flush with the module threshold height or...

Страница 105: ...or your particular model Nail in a 2x2 brace around the recess opening Verify that the framing is square and plumb Add any bridging or support needed if you are installing grab bars or towel bars Refe...

Страница 106: ...n the back surface of the module wall NOTE If the supply fittings have been located accurately during rough fitting a pilot hole template can be used for multiple installations Make a pilot hole templ...

Страница 107: ...seal exists around the drain If a watertight seal on the drain is not obtained water damage to the subfloor may occur Complete the drain installation according to the instructions packed with the dra...

Страница 108: ...and mud the wall material Seal around the valving and outlets with silicone sealant or plumbers putty Install the faucet and drain trim according to the faucet manufacturer s instructions If applicab...

Страница 109: ...Refer to Price Book for additional colors finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors Finishes K 9132 Shower drain CP PB Other____ Product Specification Shower drain shall be of brass construct...

Страница 110: ...g to the installation guide Seal To Meet Local Codes K 9132 1 15 16 49 mm 3 1 16 78 mm 2 7 8 73 mm 2 1 2 64 mm 1 1 4 32 mm Max 4 3 8 111 mm Seal To Meet Local Codes 4 1 2 114 mm Product Diagram SHOWER...

Страница 111: ...cuidado Shower Drain Drain de douche Desag e de ducha M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M USA Canada 1 800 4KOHLER M...

Страница 112: ...rdement pour le drain en fonction du plan de raccordement pour l appareil et le drain Kohler Co se r serve le droit d apporter toutes modifications au design des drains et ceci sans pr avis comme sp c...

Страница 113: instale en la unidad antes de instalar la unidad Cierre el suministro de agua Sit e las tuber as para el desag e seg n el diagrama de instalaci n para la unidad y el desag e Kohler Co se reserva el...

Страница 114: 1 1 4 32 mm Max Max M x Seal to meet local codes Sceller pour satisfaire les codes locaux Selle para cumplir con los c digos locales Seal to meet local codes 4 1 2 114 mm 4 3 8 111 mm Sceller pour...

Страница 115: ...t into the strainer body Adjust as needed Verify the drain pipe is centered in the strainer body Adjust as needed Installation After Installing the Fixture From the underside of the fixture place the...

Страница 116: ...alle et sur le tuyau du drain REMARQUE Se reporter aux instructions accompagnant l appareil pour la hauteur appropri e du tuyau de drain V rifier que le tuyau du drain se prolonge au del de la hauteur...

Страница 117: ...Verifique que el tubo de desag e se extienda la altura requerida dentro del cuerpo de la coladera Ajuste de ser necesario Verifique que el tubo de desag e quede centrado en el cuerpo de la coladera A...

Страница 118: ...lfeutrage traditionnel pour terminer l installation du drain Si un calfeutrage classique est utilis passer la section Calfeutrage classique Utiliser une solution savonneuse pour lubrifier le joint con...

Страница 119: ...n 3 Traditional Caulking WARNING Risk of personal injury Pre heat the wet or cold caulking lead on the side of the lead furnace before adding it to a pot containing molten caulking lead Ensure the fix...

Страница 120: ou humide et pr chauff dans un r cipient Utiliser assez de plomb pour assurer que le joint puisse tre rempli en une fois REMARQUE Pour liminer les fibres de filasse l ches Chauffer un fer de garnis...

Страница 121: ...escoplo de retacar caliente Mientras el plomo se funde Rellene y retaque la estopa en la separaci n entre el tubo del desag e y el cuerpo de la coladera La estopa retacada debe tener una profundidad...

Страница 122: ...o haya fugas en la junta alrededor de la brida del cuerpo de la coladera Destape el tubo de desag e Presione bien la placa de la coladera en el cuerpo de la coladera Care and Cleaning For best results...

Страница 123: ...oisinantes Utiliser une ponge ou un chiffon doux et humide Ne jamais utiliser de mat riau abrasif tel qu une brosse ou une ponge r curer pour nettoyer les surfaces Pour obtenir des informations d tail...

Страница 124: ...ntie GARANTIE LIMIT E D UN AN Les produits de plomberie KOHLER sont garantis contre tout vice de mat riau et de fabrication pendant un an partir de la date de l installation Si un vice est d couvert a...

Страница 125: ...a Kohler Co Attn Customer Care Center 444 Highland Drive Kohler WI 53044 USA o llame al 1 800 4 KOHLER 1 800 456 4537 desde los EE UU y Canad y al 001 800 456 4537 desde M xico o visite www kohler co...

Страница 126: ...sket Joint Empaque 41929 Washer Rondelle Arandela 43072 Nut crou Tuerca 43070 Strainer Plate Plaque de la cr pine Placa de la coladera Finish color code must be specified when ordering Vous devez sp c...

Страница 127: ...without screwdriver stops 1 2 CPVC inlets NA K 304 CS Pressure balancing valve with screwdriver stops 1 2 CPVC inlets NA The K 304 CX and K 304 CS are K 304 K and K 304 KS with CPVC adapters installe...

Страница 128: ...ire lever handles NA Installation Notes Install this product according to the installation guide Avoid cross flow conditions Do not install a shut off device on either valve outlet Cap the shower outl...

Страница 129: ...Handle Bath and Shower Valves K 304 M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M Fran ais page Fran ais 1 Espa ol p gina Espa...

Страница 130: ...anges occur Pressure balancing valves may not provide protection against scalding if there is a failure of other temperature limiting devices elsewhere in the plumbing system NOTICE Only apply silicon...

Страница 131: ...owing WIRSBO AQUAPEX 1 2 potable tubing Uponor ProPEX 1 2 cold expansion retaining rings and the Uponor ProPEX Hand Expander tool in accordance with the Uponor Instructions IMPORTANT NOTICE TO INSTALL...

Страница 132: ...terials may cause back pressure and result in water flowing from the showerhead and bath spout at the same time NOTICE Do not force the handle in any direction Forcing the handle will damage the valve...

Страница 133: ...3 4 70 mm 3 1 2 89 mm 2 1 16 52 mm 2 1 16 52 mm 2x4 Bracing 4 102 mm 7 178 mm 18 457 mm 10 254 mm Recommended 72 1829 mm 78 1981 mm To Floor Typical 48 1220 mm To Floor Shower Only Bath Shower 2x4 Bra...

Страница 134: ...tops will include the stop assembly Installations Requiring Soldering Remove the plaster guard not shown Remove internal valve components as shown and set aside Back to Back Installations Remove the p...

Страница 135: ...ation locations Route Piping and Connect the Supplies IMPORTANT Do not use multiple elbows on the bath spout outlet Use 1 2 NPT threaded adapters or solder 1 2 copper directly to the outlet Install 1...

Страница 136: ...iping cont Solder all needed connections Temporarily install 1 2 pipe nipples to the elbows so they will extend at least 2 51 mm beyond the finished wall Install caps to both pipe nipples 1110626 2 H...

Страница 137: ...ustration for your installation NOTE One valve will have reversed supply connections hot supply to COLD inlet and cold supply to HOT inlet Connect the water supplies as shown Use sealant tape on all t...

Страница 138: ...the stop assembly if present and the pressure balancing unit Reinstall the cap assembly with the tab oriented up For reversed valves in back to back installations reinstall the cap assembly with the t...

Страница 139: stem clockwise to the full open position Turn on the hot and cold water supplies Check for leaks Turn the valve stem counterclockwise to close Reinstall the cap Repeat for the second pipe nipple Re...

Страница 140: ...d as a guide for marking the cutout Cut a 5 9 16 141 mm hole in the wall material Install the finished wall material Leave the plaster guard in place at this time Finished Wall 5 9 16 141 mm 5 9 16 14...

Страница 141: the cutout Cut a 4 102 mm hole in the wall material For Valves with Stops Using the holes in the valve backing plate as a guide cut openings for the stops Secure the wall material to the valve back...

Страница 142: ...w clockwise to lower the temperature and counterclockwise to raise the temperature Recheck the water temperature Major Temperature Adjustment Remove the O ring and collar from the valve stem Slowly tu...

Страница 143: ...ranty claims Kohler Co is not responsible for labor charges installation or other incidental or consequential costs In no event shall the liability of Kohler Co exceed the purchase price of the Faucet...

Страница 144: ...rom state province to state province This is Kohler Co s exclusive written warranty Trend faucets MasterShower tower BodySpa systems and components WaterHaven tower systems and components Tripoint fau...

Страница 145: ...ranty claims Kohler Co is not responsible for labor charges installation or other incidental or consequential costs In no event shall the liability of Kohler Co exceed the purchase price of the Faucet...

Страница 146: ...rom state province to state province This is Kohler Co s exclusive written warranty Trend faucets MasterShower tower BodySpa systems and components WaterHaven tower systems and components Tripoint fau...

Страница 147: ...Bath and shower faucet trim with NPT diverter bath spout CP PB Other___ K T12007 4S Bath and shower faucet trim with slip fit diverter bath spout CP PB Other___ K T12014 4 Shower trim set CP PB Other...

Страница 148: ...ions Do not install shut off device on either valve outlet Cap shower outlet if deck mount spout diverter or handshower is connected to spout outlet Install straight pipe or tube drop of 7 178 mm to 1...

Страница 149: mono contr le et garniture de douche Guarnici n de grifer a monomando de ba era y ducha M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej...

Страница 150: ...emp rature de l eau ne devrait jamais tre sup rieure 120 F 49 C NOTICE Les vis longues pour l installation de la garniture peuvent endommager la valve K 2971 KS Lorsque cette valve et la garniture son...

Страница 151: ...laci n de fibra de vidrio o acr lica utilice el Kit de instalaci n en paredes delgadas 88526 AVISO No fuerce la manija en ninguna direcci n Si forza la manija da ar la v lvula Cumpla con todos los c d...

Страница 152: n peque a 5 32 Loosen the setscrew and slide the spout against the wall Desserrer la vis de retenue et glisser le bec contre le mur Afloje el tornillo de fijaci n y deslice el surtidor contra la pa...

Страница 153: ...n le bec Con cuidado apriete el surtidor Apply plumbers putty or sealant Appliquer du mastic de plombier ou d tanch it Aplique masilla de plomer a o sellador Remove the excess sealant Retirer tout exc...

Страница 154: ...Aplique cinta selladora 12 Turn on the main water supply Ouvrir l alimentation d eau principale Abra el suministro principal de agua Remove the excess sealant Retirer tout exc dent de mastic Limpie e...

Страница 155: ...varios minutos revise la temperatura Turn the valve clockwise to the full open position Tourner la valve compl tement vers la position ouverte Gire hacia la derecha la v lvula a la posici n completame...

Страница 156: e au dessus de 120 F 49 C Precauci n Riesgo de lesiones personales La temperatura del agua nunca debe ajustarse a m s de 120 F 49 C 18 Setscrew Vis de retenue Tornillo de fijaci n Tab Languette Le...

Страница 157: ...v lvula y f jela con los dos tornillos Screw Vis Tornillo Faceplate Couvercle Placa frontal Turn the valve stem counterclockwise to the OFF position Tourner la tige de la valve compl tement vers la g...

Страница 158: la espiga de la v lvula Fije la manija en su lugar con la arandela y el tornillo Presione el tap n bot n en su lugar Insert Insertion Pieza de inserci n Handle Poign e Manija Washer Rondelle Arande...

Страница 159: ...les d bris Deje correr agua para limpiar la suciedad y las part culas Apply sealant tape Appliquer du ruban d tanch it Aplique cinta selladora Thread the showerhead into place Visser la pomme de douch...

Страница 160: ...e sur une surface non visible avant de l appliquer sur l ensemble de la surface Ne pas laisser les nettoyants reposer ou tremper sur la surface Essuyer les surfaces et rincer compl tement avec de l ea...

Страница 161: ...erior Limpie el exceso Use a clean strap wrench to install the spout Utiliser une cl sangle propre pour poser le bec Utilice una llave de correa limpia para apretar el surtidor X 2 Threaded Spout Appl...

Страница 162: fecha de instalaci n bajo la garant a limitada de un a o est ndar de Kohler Co Si usted considera que tiene una reclamaci n en virtud de la garant a comun quese con Kohler Co a trav s de su distri...

Страница 163: ...tional colors finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors Finishes K 8520 Hotel handshower kit CP Other______ Product Specification Hotel handshower kit shall include MasterShower relaxing hands...

Страница 164: ...rall Length 12 305 mm Max 25 635 mm 2 3 8 60 mm Elbow And Vacuum Breaker Details 1 2 14 NPSM Tap 15 16 24 mm Flats 1 1 4 32 mm 1 1 2 38 mm 1 2 14 NPSM Thread 3 7 16 87 mm 1 3 8 35 mm 2 3 16 56 mm G1 2...

Страница 165: ...dshower and Slide Bar M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M Fran ais page Fran ais 1 Espa ol p gina Espa ol 1 K 8520 08...

Страница 166: ...ched by our products and services We reserve the right to make changes in product characteristics packaging or availability at any time without notice Please take a few minutes to review this guide If...

Страница 167: ...scutcheon and wall elbow to the nipple Securely tighten with a sturdy screwdriver inserted into the outlet Apply thread sealant to the wall elbow threads and install a vacuum breaker to the wall elbow...

Страница 168: Remove the ring Press the tab and separate the housing from the bracket Position the bracket on the finished wall and mark the top location of the centermost slotted hole Drill a hole at the marked...

Страница 169: ...the bracket Center the bracket over the mark and mark the top and bottom hole locations For tile or solid surface materials drill a hole at the marked locations NOTE Wall anchors are not required for...

Страница 170: ...bracket and snap it into place Assemble the ring to the housing with the indent over the housing tab Install the soap dish to the housing Secure with the provided screw Screw Ring Stop Soap Dish Back...

Страница 171: ...p housing assembly Turn the slide bar until the notch engages the tab in the housing assembly Move the slide bar and top housing up as far as possible Carefully position the slide bar into the soap di...

Страница 172: ...ker Flush water through the system Install the screen washer in the remaining end of the hose Securely hand tighten the handshower to the hose Check the handshower for proper operation Wall Elbow Gask...

Страница 173: ...NLY PART NO DESCRIPTION CTN QTY S02 057 5 rod with plastic Jiffy flange 50 S02 058 5 rod with die cast Jiffy flange 50 S02 059 5 rod with chrome flange and screws 50 S02 071 5 rod with chrome flange a...

Страница 174: ...Spec Seq 112 SH 2...

Страница 175: ...ditional colors finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors Finishes K 1689 Shower module 0 Other_____ Required Accessories K 9459 Sonata accessory kit CP Other_____ Recommended Accessories K 91...

Страница 176: ...ittings Shimming is required to level fixture The K 1652 steam generator and K 1663 steam generator control kit are designed for use with this product Kohler shall not be responsible for problems enco...

Страница 177: ...1022476 2 B SonataR Acrylic Shower Modules Installation Guide Fran ais Page 7 Espa ol P gina 12 K 1681 K 1682 K 1690 K 1687 K 1688 K 1689 Spec Seq 114 482971...

Страница 178: ...ated gypsum wallboard The basin area requires no additional support when the subfloor is level and square with respect to the stud framing Consider using shims for additional support if the subfloor i...

Страница 179: ...ghing in information If necessary leave one of the framing side walls loose until you move the module into position Measure and cut the drain hole Position the rough plumbing Verify that the subfloor...

Страница 180: ...adequate support for your shower module and verify that the subfloor is flat and level Construct a 2x4 or 2x6 stud recess according to the roughing in information packed Provide double or triple stud...

Страница 181: ...With help carefully move the module into the recess Be sure the bottom of the module is firmly supported against the floor You may need to adjust some of the framing Use shims as necessary However no...

Страница 182: ...l material Seal the joints between the module rim and the finished wall material with silicone sealant 5 Complete the Installation Install any extra grab bars or towel bars to the bridging previously...

Страница 183: ...Refer to Price Book for additional colors finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors Finishes K 9132 Shower drain CP PB Other____ Product Specification Shower drain shall be of brass construct...

Страница 184: ...g to the installation guide Seal To Meet Local Codes K 9132 1 15 16 49 mm 3 1 16 78 mm 2 7 8 73 mm 2 1 2 64 mm 1 1 4 32 mm Max 4 3 8 111 mm Seal To Meet Local Codes 4 1 2 114 mm Product Diagram SHOWER...

Страница 185: ...cuidado Shower Drain Drain de douche Desag e de ducha M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M USA Canada 1 800 4KOHLER M...

Страница 186: ...rdement pour le drain en fonction du plan de raccordement pour l appareil et le drain Kohler Co se r serve le droit d apporter toutes modifications au design des drains et ceci sans pr avis comme sp c...

Страница 187: instale en la unidad antes de instalar la unidad Cierre el suministro de agua Sit e las tuber as para el desag e seg n el diagrama de instalaci n para la unidad y el desag e Kohler Co se reserva el...

Страница 188: 1 1 4 32 mm Max Max M x Seal to meet local codes Sceller pour satisfaire les codes locaux Selle para cumplir con los c digos locales Seal to meet local codes 4 1 2 114 mm 4 3 8 111 mm Sceller pour...

Страница 189: ...t into the strainer body Adjust as needed Verify the drain pipe is centered in the strainer body Adjust as needed Installation After Installing the Fixture From the underside of the fixture place the...

Страница 190: ...alle et sur le tuyau du drain REMARQUE Se reporter aux instructions accompagnant l appareil pour la hauteur appropri e du tuyau de drain V rifier que le tuyau du drain se prolonge au del de la hauteur...

Страница 191: ...Verifique que el tubo de desag e se extienda la altura requerida dentro del cuerpo de la coladera Ajuste de ser necesario Verifique que el tubo de desag e quede centrado en el cuerpo de la coladera A...

Страница 192: ...lfeutrage traditionnel pour terminer l installation du drain Si un calfeutrage classique est utilis passer la section Calfeutrage classique Utiliser une solution savonneuse pour lubrifier le joint con...

Страница 193: ...n 3 Traditional Caulking WARNING Risk of personal injury Pre heat the wet or cold caulking lead on the side of the lead furnace before adding it to a pot containing molten caulking lead Ensure the fix...

Страница 194: ou humide et pr chauff dans un r cipient Utiliser assez de plomb pour assurer que le joint puisse tre rempli en une fois REMARQUE Pour liminer les fibres de filasse l ches Chauffer un fer de garnis...

Страница 195: ...escoplo de retacar caliente Mientras el plomo se funde Rellene y retaque la estopa en la separaci n entre el tubo del desag e y el cuerpo de la coladera La estopa retacada debe tener una profundidad...

Страница 196: ...o haya fugas en la junta alrededor de la brida del cuerpo de la coladera Destape el tubo de desag e Presione bien la placa de la coladera en el cuerpo de la coladera Care and Cleaning For best results...

Страница 197: ...oisinantes Utiliser une ponge ou un chiffon doux et humide Ne jamais utiliser de mat riau abrasif tel qu une brosse ou une ponge r curer pour nettoyer les surfaces Pour obtenir des informations d tail...

Страница 198: ...ntie GARANTIE LIMIT E D UN AN Les produits de plomberie KOHLER sont garantis contre tout vice de mat riau et de fabrication pendant un an partir de la date de l installation Si un vice est d couvert a...

Страница 199: ...a Kohler Co Attn Customer Care Center 444 Highland Drive Kohler WI 53044 USA o llame al 1 800 4 KOHLER 1 800 456 4537 desde los EE UU y Canad y al 001 800 456 4537 desde M xico o visite www kohler co...

Страница 200: ...sket Joint Empaque 41929 Washer Rondelle Arandela 43072 Nut crou Tuerca 43070 Strainer Plate Plaque de la cr pine Placa de la coladera Finish color code must be specified when ordering Vous devez sp c...

Страница 201: ...without screwdriver stops 1 2 CPVC inlets NA K 304 CS Pressure balancing valve with screwdriver stops 1 2 CPVC inlets NA The K 304 CX and K 304 CS are K 304 K and K 304 KS with CPVC adapters installe...

Страница 202: ...ire lever handles NA Installation Notes Install this product according to the installation guide Avoid cross flow conditions Do not install a shut off device on either valve outlet Cap the shower outl...

Страница 203: ...Handle Bath and Shower Valves K 304 M product numbers are for Mexico i e K 12345M Los n meros de productos seguidos de M corresponden a M xico Ej K 12345M Fran ais page Fran ais 1 Espa ol p gina Espa...

Страница 204: ...anges occur Pressure balancing valves may not provide protection against scalding if there is a failure of other temperature limiting devices elsewhere in the plumbing system NOTICE Only apply silicon...

Страница 205: ...owing WIRSBO AQUAPEX 1 2 potable tubing Uponor ProPEX 1 2 cold expansion retaining rings and the Uponor ProPEX Hand Expander tool in accordance with the Uponor Instructions IMPORTANT NOTICE TO INSTALL...

Страница 206: ...terials may cause back pressure and result in water flowing from the showerhead and bath spout at the same time NOTICE Do not force the handle in any direction Forcing the handle will damage the valve...

Страница 207: ...3 4 70 mm 3 1 2 89 mm 2 1 16 52 mm 2 1 16 52 mm 2x4 Bracing 4 102 mm 7 178 mm 18 457 mm 10 254 mm Recommended 72 1829 mm 78 1981 mm To Floor Typical 48 1220 mm To Floor Shower Only Bath Shower 2x4 Bra...

Страница 208: ...tops will include the stop assembly Installations Requiring Soldering Remove the plaster guard not shown Remove internal valve components as shown and set aside Back to Back Installations Remove the p...

Страница 209: ...ation locations Route Piping and Connect the Supplies IMPORTANT Do not use multiple elbows on the bath spout outlet Use 1 2 NPT threaded adapters or solder 1 2 copper directly to the outlet Install 1...

Страница 210: ...iping cont Solder all needed connections Temporarily install 1 2 pipe nipples to the elbows so they will extend at least 2 51 mm beyond the finished wall Install caps to both pipe nipples 1110626 2 H...

Страница 211: ...ustration for your installation NOTE One valve will have reversed supply connections hot supply to COLD inlet and cold supply to HOT inlet Connect the water supplies as shown Use sealant tape on all t...

Страница 212: ...the stop assembly if present and the pressure balancing unit Reinstall the cap assembly with the tab oriented up For reversed valves in back to back installations reinstall the cap assembly with the t...

Страница 213: stem clockwise to the full open position Turn on the hot and cold water supplies Check for leaks Turn the valve stem counterclockwise to close Reinstall the cap Repeat for the second pipe nipple Re...

Страница 214: ...d as a guide for marking the cutout Cut a 5 9 16 141 mm hole in the wall material Install the finished wall material Leave the plaster guard in place at this time Finished Wall 5 9 16 141 mm 5 9 16 14...

Страница 215: the cutout Cut a 4 102 mm hole in the wall material For Valves with Stops Using the holes in the valve backing plate as a guide cut openings for the stops Secure the wall material to the valve back...

Страница 216: ...w clockwise to lower the temperature and counterclockwise to raise the temperature Recheck the water temperature Major Temperature Adjustment Remove the O ring and collar from the valve stem Slowly tu...

Страница 217: ...ranty claims Kohler Co is not responsible for labor charges installation or other incidental or consequential costs In no event shall the liability of Kohler Co exceed the purchase price of the Faucet...

Страница 218: ...rom state province to state province This is Kohler Co s exclusive written warranty Trend faucets MasterShower tower BodySpa systems and components WaterHaven tower systems and components Tripoint fau...

Страница 219: ...ranty claims Kohler Co is not responsible for labor charges installation or other incidental or consequential costs In no event shall the liability of Kohler Co exceed the purchase price of the Faucet...

Страница 220: ...rom state province to state province This is Kohler Co s exclusive written warranty Trend faucets MasterShower tower BodySpa systems and components WaterHaven tower systems and components Tripoint fau...
