Simple Maintenance
6. Put the check valves into the bushing holes on the pump head.
Orient the check valves according to the flow direction required for
that position. Screw in the bushings by hand. Tighten the bushings
carefully with a spanner by about 1⁄2 - 3⁄4 turns.
To avoid destruction of the ceramic seal holders, tighten the screws
of the ceramic seal holder (item {3.5} and {3.6}) with 8 Nm using a
torque wrench.
Dynamic Mixing Chamber
The dynamic mixing chamber is nearly maintenance-free. This applies in
particular to the electrical parts.
Any interruption to the internal power supply of the mixing chamber
will also cause the piston back flushing pump to go out of order.
Whether the motor of the mixing chamber runs continuously or not
does not have any influence on the pump’s function, however an
interruption to the piston back flushing function may lead to a
shorter lifespan of your pump.
Every time the dynamic mixing chamber is accessed for cleaning or
adjusting its internal volume, it is absolutely necessary to perform a
subsequent pressure check.
SOP 34
Pressure check of the mixing chamber
1. Set the following parameters on your pump::
Flow rate:
50 µl/min
Maximum pressure:
250 bar with 10 ml pump head
50 bar with 50 ml pump head
2. Connect the pump head outlet to one of the mixing chamber inlets.
Close the other inlet as well as the outlet of the mixing chamber
with a blind fitting.
3. Start the eluent delivery and wait for the pump to stop
automatically when the set maximum pressure is reached.
4. Press the START/STOP button again to remove the error message
from the display.
Due to some movement of the pistons, the pressure slowly drops down.
5. Read the displayed pressure about 20 sec after the pump switched
6. This displayed pressure is not drop by more than 5% after waiting
for two minutes.
7. During this time inspect all connections for possible leakages.
8. Even the smallest leakage makes a correction necessary. In this
case, repeat the pressure check.