Control of the Smartline Pump 1000
By setting the minimum system pressure, damage to the pump caused by
“running dry” can be avoided. When the system pressure is below the set
limit, for example when a leak in the system is present, the pump will stop
automatically after 30 seconds. By setting the minimum pressure limit to
“0” the minimum system pressure will not be monitored.
The absolute maximum pressure is limited by the pump head chosen and
by the flow rate selected. The detailed pressure limits are given in the
section “Maximum Pressure“ on page 18.
The specified maximum pressure applies to all modes of operation
and cannot be exceeded. Units: 0.1 MPa (1 bar)
If the START INPUT is set to ENABLED, a program can
be started by an external digital signal from the START IN input on the
rear side of the pump (see the section “Connecting the Analog/Error/Start
Socket“ on page 32). The setting STOP Pump will cause the pump to
stop pumping if an external digital signal is applied on the START IN
input. The setting START Pump enables the pump to start pumping by
using an external signal.
If the START INPUT is set to DISABLED, no program runs can be started
and network control is inactivated.
You can use this menu for setting the system date and time.
: The instrument can be set to different external control
modes. The options available are
(in which the baud rate
is currently limited to 9600),
RS232, RS485
The option KNAUER-NET is used when operating the pump in a network
with KNAUER instruments and software (see “Using the RS232 Serial
Interfaces in the KNAUER-Net” on page 34). RS232 and RS485 allow for
external digital control by a suitable terminal program. In contrast,
ANALOG output allows for external control through an analog input
On activation of the PRESSURE option, the output
from the ANALOG OUT will deliver the actual measured pressure value
for external monitoring or control. By activating SLAVE B, an analog
signal is given out via the output that can be used for controlling any
second pump, e.g. in a binary high pressure gradient. In this case the
control signal (voltage) corresponds to the percentage amount % B,
whereas % A will be provided automatically by the Smartline Pump 1000
Generally, the voltage range can be chosen from between 0-1 V, 0-2 V,
0-5 V and 0-10 V. In any case, the maximum value corresponds to 100 %
B (SLAVE B) or to 40 MPa (PRESSURE).
LPG Cycle Time:
The LPG Cycle Time represents the time that the
valves on the Smartline Manager 5000 require to go through one
switching cycle; the factory default is normally 2 seconds. At higher flow
rates and simultaneously low mixing chamber volumes, the switching
times should be decreased to provide for better mixing of the eluents.
Using the VIEW Menu
The VIEW menu lists existing programs and program links.
An example is given in Fig. 10: Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 and link 21 have
been created.