Installation Note N5222-90114
Installation Procedure for the Upgrade
Step 40. Install/Reinstall the A71–74 and Bias-Tee Combiner’s Gray
Low Frequency Extension (LFE) DC bias Cables and Route Cables
This step contains the following:
“Install/Reinstall the A71–A74 bias-Tee combiner’s gray Low Frequency
Extension (LFE) DC bias Cables” on page 68
Install/Reinstall the A71–A74 bias-Tee combiner’s gray Low Frequency
Extension (LFE) DC bias Cables
To see an image showing the location of these cables, refer to
. See also the Chapter 6 bookmarks “Bottom Ribbon Cables and Wire
Harnesses, 2-port, Option 205,
6021” in the PDF Service Guide
. New parts
are listed in
Connect/Reconnect A71–A74 gray DC cables to the test set motherboard
(TSMB) as follows:
—(Reuse)(N5240-60091) A19 test set motherboard J541 to A71
port 1 bias-T combiner
—(N5240-60091) A19 test set motherboard J543 to A72 port 3
bias-T combiner
—(N5240-60091) A19 test set motherboard J544 to A73 port 4
bias-T combiner
—(Reuse)(N5240-60091) A19 test set motherboard J542 to A74
port 2 bias-T combiner
The N5240-60091 (x4) bias combiner cables only connect to
the DC bias of the Bias Tee Combiners.