Installation Note N5222-90114 27
Installation Procedure for the Upgrade
— W117 (N5222-20071) A32 port 2 coupler to front-panel Port 2 CPLR ARM
These cables must be saved - they will be reinstalled.
— W4 (N5222-20040) W3 to A25 port 1 receiver coupler
— W10 (N5222-20043) W9 to A24 port 2 receiver coupler
— W13 (N5222-20005) A25 port 1 receiver coupler to A33 reference mixer
— W36 (N5222-20032) REF 1 RCVR R1 IN to A33 reference mixer switch
— W35 (N5222-20033) A33 reference mixer switch to front-panel REF 1
— W181 (N5222-20119) A71 bias-T port 1 to front panel CPLR THRU
— W187 (N5222-20120) A74 bias-T port 2 to front panel CPLR THRU
— W30 (N5222-20091) (qty = 6) Front panel jumper
Remove and save the cable guards for the front panel jumpers.