You configure the router by issuing Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) commands, either on a
console device attached to the CONSOLE port on the front panel, or over a telnet connection to a
network connected to the Routing Engine MGMT port on the front panel.
Gather the following information before configuring the router:
• Name that the router will use on the network
• Domain name that the router will use
• IP address and prefix length information for the Ethernet interface
• IP address of a default router
• IP address of a DNS server
• Password for the root user
This procedure connects the router to the network but does not enable it to forward traffic. For
complete information about enabling the router to forward traffic, including examples, see the Junos OS
configuration guides.
To configure the software:
Verify that the router is powered on.
Log in as the “root” user. There is no password.
Start the CLI.
root# cli
Enter configuration mode.
cli> configure
Configure the name of the router. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks
(“ ”).
root@# set system host-name