Recommended GNSS Antenna Specifications
To use a GNSS antenna with the ACX500 router, the antenna must be a GNSS L1/G1 antenna (1575–
1610 MHz). At present there are several GNSS antennas available in the market that meet the ACX500
router criteria.
We recommend that you use the following GNSS antenna with the ACX500 routers:
Trimble Bullet 38dB GPS L1 Antenna Specifications
The Trimble Bullet III GPS L1 antenna boosts the signal from the antenna with a gain of 38 dB. The
antenna receives power, rated at 3.3 VDC, from the ACX500 router through the antenna’s coaxial cable
lists the Trimble Bullet GPS antenna specifications.
Table 34: Trimble Bullet 38dB GPS L1 Antenna Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Prime power
+3.3 VDC (+/-10%)
Power consumption
< 30 mA maximum
38 dB +/- 3 dB
Output impedance
50 ohms
1575.42 MHz +/- 3 MHz
Right-hand circular polarization (RHCP)
Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
≤ 2.0:1
Axial ratio
< 3 dB maximum