The platform specific valves are located in a manifold at the plat-
There are six valves that control various platform functions. Two
control Platform Level up and down for the leveling function,
two are used to rotate the platform, and two to control jib up and
All platform valves are Pulse Width Modulated (PWM’d). PWM is a
method of setting the voltage across a valve, and therefore the
flow through it, by varying the On/Off duty cycle of the control
module output. PWM permits proportional flow control.
There is also a Platform Dump Valve, located in the platform
valve manifold, which is used to hydraulically isolate the control
valves and to improve hydraulic response.
The Ground Module controls this valve to enable automatic plat-
form leveling and to provide manual platform leveling in the
event that the Platform Module is inoperable.
In ground mode, the platform dump valve is turned on whenever
any platform or jib valve output is turned on. Whenever all plat-
form and jib valves are turned off, the platform dump valve is
turned off.
In platform mode, the platform dump valve is turned on when-
ever the footswitch is depressed.
Normal Operation
The level system will assume a new fixed set point (fixed incline
of the platform with respect to gravity) each time the control sys-
tem is powered up (cycling of the EMS) and each time the
footswitch is engaged.
Automatic platform angle control only functions while operating
drive, telescope, lift or swing. It does not adjust the platform
angle while operating any other function (e.g. rotate, jib, or
steer). Furthermore, machines equipped with control system
software P5.0 and later, automatic platform angle control for
drive and swing may be disabled by using the analyzer. For this
case, the platform angle setpoint is taken when the joystick
moves from a non-leveling function (drive/swing) to a leveling
function (lift/tele).
The machine controls attempt to maintain the angle of the plat-
form to setpoint by providing a command proportional to the
angular error from setpoint. Since the sensors used to measure
the platform angle are fluid-filled, gravity-based sensors, reading
the sensors in real time would cause constant correction of the
platform position due to machine vibration and inertial changes
of the boom. Therefore, the sensor readings are averaged over
time, or filtered, in order to achieve a more uniform reading. This
filtering has the advantage of providing smoother operation, but
has the disadvantage of causing a lag (or sluggishness) in the
system response. This lag may cause the platform to be several
degrees from setpoint.
In order to provide a better system response, the controls also
compute the rate of angular change of the platform position and
set the leveling valve positions to achieve a matching velocity.
The measured velocity is the average platform speed over the
last 0.5 seconds. The desired valve command is computed by
comparing the measured velocity to the desired velocity and set-
ting the valve opening to correspond to the required amount of
make-up angle. The amount the valve opens when making an
automatic correction is proportional to and directly affected by:
• Crackpoint setting
• Velocity error (proportional factor)
• Sum of velocity errors over time (integral factor)
These three factors are summed together with appropriate gain
factors to compute the resulting current to the valves. The opera-
tor does not have control over the latter two factors, but can
affect the resulting current by adjusting the crackpoint. Increas-
ing the crackpoint makes the valve current higher, resulting in
quicker more aggressive control and larger amounts of over-
shoot. Decreasing the crackpoint will result in smoother opera-
tion but may not permit enough platform velocity to keep up
with the boom (i.e., may get platform timeout alarms) in some
multi-function operations. The platform controls are set up to
provide smooth leveling operations for the majority of condi-
tions and will perform best for steady operator command, as
opposed to command values for function, that change fre-
In order to obtain acceptable performance while performing all
hydraulic functions, five sets of parameters are used. These
“zones” allow compensation for differences in how the basket
level changes when doing different functions. These zones are as
Lift up
Lift down
Other boom functions
The other boom functions zone includes Swing, Telescope, Jib
swing (It is not necessary to level with jib lift, since the mechani-
cal linkage keeps the basket level).
Содержание 680S
Страница 1: ...Service and Maintenance Manual Model 680S Prior to SN 0300189341 P N 3121234 December 05 2017 AS NZS...
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Страница 48: ...SECTION 2 GENERAL 2 10 3121234 Figure 2 1 Engine Operating Temperature Specifications Deutz 4150548 E...
Страница 49: ...SECTION 2 GENERAL 3121234 2 11 Figure 2 2 Engine Operating Temperature Specifications Ford 4150548 E...
Страница 50: ...SECTION 2 GENERAL 2 12 3121234 Figure 2 3 Engine Operating Temperature Specifications Caterpillar 4150548 E...
Страница 51: ...SECTION 2 GENERAL 3121234 2 13 Figure 2 4 Engine Operating Temperature Specifications GM 4150548 E...
Страница 52: ...SECTION 2 GENERAL 2 14 3121234 NOTES...
Страница 55: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 3 This page left blank intentionally...
Страница 86: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 34 3121234 Figure 3 25 Assembly Tools Bearing Cone Pressing B Bearing...
Страница 87: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 35 Figure 3 26 Assembly Tools Bearing Cone Pressing A Bearing...
Страница 88: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 36 3121234 Figure 3 27 Assembly Tools Bearing Cup Pressing A B Bearings...
Страница 89: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 37 Figure 3 28 Assembly Tools Seal Pressing...
Страница 90: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 38 3121234 Figure 3 29 Assembly Tools Spacer Brake Disc Installation...
Страница 91: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 39 Figure 3 30 Assembly Tools Brake Retaining Ring Installation...
Страница 139: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 87 Figure 3 62 Swing Hub Prior to SN 0300134352...
Страница 143: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 91 Figure 3 64 Swing Brake...
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Страница 205: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 153 This page left blank intentionally...
Страница 206: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 154 3121234 Figure 3 89 Generator Troubleshooting Circuit Diagram Sheet 1 of 2...
Страница 207: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 155 Figure 3 90 Generator Troubleshooting Circuit Diagram Sheet 2 of 2...
Страница 208: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 156 3121234 Figure 3 91 Generator Electrical Circuit Diagram...
Страница 209: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 157 Figure 3 92 Power Board PC1 Electrical Circuit Diagram...
Страница 210: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 158 3121234 Figure 3 93 Power Board PC2 Electrical Circuit Diagram Sheet 1 of 2...
Страница 211: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 159 Figure 3 94 Power Board PC2 Electrical Circuit Diagram Sheet 2 of 2...
Страница 224: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 172 3121234 Figure 3 103 EMR 2 Engine Side Equipment...
Страница 225: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 173 Figure 3 104 Deutz EMR 2 Troubleshooting Flow Chart...
Страница 226: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 174 3121234 Figure 3 105 Deutz EMR 2 Vehicle Side Connection Diagram...
Страница 227: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 175 Figure 3 106 Deutz EMR 2 Engine Side Connection Diagram Sheet 1 of 2...
Страница 228: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 176 3121234 Figure 3 107 Deutz EMR 2 Engine Side Connection Diagram Sheet 2 of 2...
Страница 229: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 177 Figure 3 108 EMR 2 Engine Plug Pin Identification...
Страница 230: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 178 3121234 Figure 3 109 EMR 2 Vehicle Plug Pin Identification...
Страница 231: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 179 Figure 3 110 EMR2 Fault Codes Sheet 1 of 5...
Страница 232: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 180 3121234 Figure 3 111 EMR2 Fault Codes Sheet 2 of 5...
Страница 233: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 181 Figure 3 112 EMR2 Fault Codes Sheet 3 of 5...
Страница 234: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3 182 3121234 Figure 3 113 EMR2 Fault Codes Sheet 4 of 5...
Страница 235: ...SECTION 3 CHASSIS TURNTABLE 3121234 3 183 Figure 3 114 EMR2 Fault Codes Sheet 5 of 5...
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Страница 285: ...SECTION 4 BOOM PLATFORM 3121234 4 21 This page left blank intentionally...
Страница 286: ...SECTION 4 BOOM PLATFORM 4 22 3121234 Figure 4 7 Boom Assembly Cutaway Sheet 1 of 2 10 15 12 6 9...
Страница 333: ...SECTION 4 BOOM PLATFORM 3121234 4 69 Figure 4 25 Load Sensing Device...
Страница 336: ...SECTION 4 BOOM PLATFORM 4 72 3121234 NOTES...
Страница 402: ...SECTION 5 BASIC HYDRAULICS INFORMATION SCHEMATICS 5 66 3121234 Figure 5 100 Fault logic Troubleshooting...
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Страница 410: ...SECTION 5 BASIC HYDRAULICS INFORMATION SCHEMATICS 5 74 3121234 Figure 5 105 Hydraulic Schematic Sheet 3 of 8 SHEET 2...
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Страница 445: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 3121234 6 29 Figure 6 6 Analyzer Flow Chart Prior to Version 5 X Software Sheet 4 of 4...
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Страница 461: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 3121234 6 45 1 1001103667 Y Figure 6 22 Ground Control Module Sheet 1 of 3...
Страница 462: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 6 46 3121234 1 1001103667 Y Figure 6 23 Ground Control Module Sheet 2 of 3...
Страница 463: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 3121234 6 47 1 1001103667 Y Figure 6 24 Ground Control Module Sheet 3 of 3...
Страница 464: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 6 48 3121234 CONNECTOR 1001141138 D Figure 6 25 Platform Control Module Sheet 1 of 2...
Страница 465: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 3121234 6 49 CONNECTOR 1001141138 D Figure 6 26 Platform Control Module Sheet 2 of 2...
Страница 480: ...SECTION 6 JLG CONTROL SYSTEM 6 64 3121234 NOTES...
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