SP-5000M-PMCL / SP-5000C-PMCL
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(5) Sequence ROI Offset Y
Set Offset Y of sequence ROI.
Sequence ROI Binning Vertical =1 (Off) :
Setting range is 0 to (2048 - [Sequence ROI Height])
Sequence ROI Binning Vertical =2 (On) :
Setting range is 0 to (1024 - [Sequence ROI Height])
The limitations of step number and other factors are the same as the normal ROI mode set by
[Video Send Mode] =“Normal”.
(6) Sequence ROI Gain Selector
In Sequence ROI Gain Selector, the gain settings for each index are available.
SP-5000C-PMCL: Gain(ALL), Red and Blue can be set.
SP-5000M-PMCL: Only Gain is displayed and can be set.
(7) Sequence ROI Black Level
Black Level setting is available for each index.
(8) Sequence ROI Exposure Time
Exposure Time setting is available for each index.
(9) Sequence ROI Binning Horizontal
ON or OFF of Horizontal Binning for each index can be set.
(10) Sequence ROI Binning Vertical
ON or OFF of Vertical Binning for each index can be set.
(11) Sequence ROI LUT Enable
Enable or disable of LUT function for each index 0 to 9 can be set.
(12) Sequence ROI Frame Count
This can set how many times the selected index is repeated. This is applied to each index.
Triggers are input according to numbers set in Frame Count and index is repeated and moves
to the next index. Therefore, the same number of triggers as Frame Count must be input.
(13) Sequence ROI Next Index
The number of the index that will follow the current index can be set.
If [Video Send Mode] is set to “Trigger Sequence” and the trigger pulse is input in EPS
trigger, the sequence is executed from index 0.
(14) Sequence
ROI Reset Command
This command resets the current index pointer and reverts to index 0 in the table. Frame
Count is also re-initialized.