SP-5000M-PMCL / SP-5000C-PMCL
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Note: In the continuous trigger mode (Frame Start Trigger Mode: OFF), the maximum setting
value of the exposure time is limited by the frame rate setting. In the SP-5000-PMCL,
the maximum value of exposure time is “Frame Rate – 100”. If the exposure mode is
OFF, the maximum value of exposure time is set in the camera. If the frame period is
changed, then the maximum value of exposure time is renewed.
7.2.3 ExposureAuto
This is a function to control the exposure automatically. It is effective only for Timed.
ALC Reference controls the target brightness level.
There are three modes: OFF, Once and Continuous.
No exposure control
Exposure adjusts when the function is set, then remains at that setting
Exposure continues to be adjusted automatically
In this mode, the following settings are available.
ALC Speed:
Rate of adjustment speed can be set (common with Gain Auto)
Exposure Auto Max:
The maximum value for the exposure time to be controlled can
be set
Exposure Auto Min:
The minimum value for the exposure time to be controlled can
be set
ALC Reference:
The reference level of the exposure control can be set (common
with Gain Auto)
ALC Channel Area:
The measurement area of the exposure control can be set
(common with Gain Auto)
7.3. Trigger control
7.3.1 Trigger Selector
Selects the trigger operation. In the SP-5000-PMCL, only Frame Start is available.
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Trigger selector
7.3.2 Trigger Mode
Select either free-running operation or external trigger operation.
OFF: Free-running operation
ON: External trigger operation
7.3.3 TriggerSource
Select the trigger source to be used for trigger operation (Frame Start for the
SP-5000-PMCL) from the following:
Line 4 ( TTL IN1)
Line 7 (Camera Link CC1 IN)
Soft trigger
Pulse generator 0
Pulse generator 1
Pulse generator 2
Pulse generator 3
Trigger Selector
Frame Start
Frame Start Trigger