Doc. CEI12166
Rev. 1
Pag. 21 Of 47
You can select the unit of measurement, and you have to key in the stroke corresponding to the
maximum transducer movement; then, the program asks you to open (or close) the CB, and displays the
open and close positions, and the corresponding stroke.
If you check the box “Use auxiliary 5 V generator for travel transducer, this means that you have
connected the transducer to the 5 V output sockets
; else, you have to input the external supply
voltage value.
- The “Pressure transducer” selection means that the channel is connected to a pressure transducer, and
that it is desired to convert the input voltage into pressure, taking into account the fact that at zero input
voltage the pressure can be different from zero. With this selection, the following window is displayed.