Doc. CEI12166
Rev. 1
Pag. 29 Of 47
Also the file reading can take some time: in the meanwhile, the following message is displayed.
- After “Show setup” and “Show current setup”, all selections are displayed; this helps avoiding to go
through all selection windows.
- Last selection, “Restore default”, restores the default selections, that are the followings. For normal
mode operation it is possible to recall the default setting, that cannot be modified. This setting is loaded
at power-on.
- Trigger options: internal trigger.
- Test option: Open-Close-Open.
- Recording options:
. O-C delay: 0.3 s;
. C-O delay: 0.3 s;
. O command duration: 0.1 s;
. C command duration: 0.1 s;
. Pre-trigger duration: 0 s;
. Sample frequency: 1 kHz;
. Recording duration: 1 s;
. Two recordings: disabled.
- CB settings:
. CB contacts enabled: A1 + B1 + C1;
. Pre-insertion resistor test: disabled.
. Auxiliary inputs: disabled.
- Coils settings:
. Open coil: 10 A;
. Close coil: 10 A.
- Analog input: disabled.
- Micro-Ohmmeter: disabled.