Intermec EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual Ed. 7
Chapter 16 Transformer Unit
16.2 Dismantling
Dismantle the transformer unit as follows:
Switch off the printer and remove the power cord.
• Remove the left-hand cover.
• Disconnect the cable from connector P-300 at the lower rear
corner of the CPU board.
• Remove the two #T20 screws that hold the heatsink of the CPU
board and the two #T10 screws at the top of the board.
In case of early manufactured printers, also remove the
L-shaped bracket that holds the CPU board to the rear plate.
• Remove the two #T20 Torx screws that hold the transformer
unit to the rear plate and the single #T20 Torx screw that con-
nects it to the center section.
• Slide the unit slightly forward and remove it.
• The ring core transformer and the AC power cord receptacle
are fi tted to the mounting plate by means of posidrive screws,
whereas the on/off switch and the voltage selector are provided
with snap-locks.
• Replace the defective part and reassemble in reverse order.
Refer to Chapter 16.4 for wiring diagram.
Ring Core Transformer
Mounting Plate
On/Off Switch
Voltage Selector
AC Power Cord Receptacle
Posidrive Screw
Posidrive Screws
Ground Screw