To install the updated MegaRAID driver for use with Windows NT 4.x:
1. Boot the system and log in as administrator.
2. Open Control Panel.
3. Select SCSI Adapters icon.
4. Click the Drivers tab.
5. Select the MegaRAID driver.
6. Click Remove to remove the old driver.
7. Click the Drivers tab again.
8. Click
9. Click Have Disk.
10. Follow the instruction on the screen to install the updated driver. This will create a
MegaRAID program item.
11. Remove the diskette containing the MegaRAID driver from the disk drive.
12. Reboot the system.
Installing MegaRAID Utilities
Intergraph Computer Systems installs the MegaRAID BIOS configuration and Power
Console utilities on your system before shipment. In the event you need to reload the
Windows NT operating system, you can reinstall the MegaRAID utilities. A menu item will
be automatically created in the Power Console program group.
Intergraph Computer Systems strongly recommends that you install the MegaRAID Power
Console software on your server. ICS also recommends that you add a shortcut to Power
Console to the Windows NT Startup menu (Start/Programs/Startup). See Windows NT Help
for information on adding a shortcut to the Start menu.
To install MegaRAID utilities for use with Windows NT 3.5x or 4.x:
1. Boot the system and log in as administrator.
2. Insert the diskette containing the MegaRAID utilities into the floppy disk drive.
3. For Windows NT 3.5x, at the A: command prompt, key in the following:
For Windows NT 4.x, select Start. Then, select Run and key in the following: