The rebuild process takes place while the RAID system is still running. Performance will be
affected depending on the rebuild rate.
To rebuild a drive manually:
1. Replace the failed drive with a new drive.
2. From the Power Console main menu, place the cursor over the failed drive icon you
want to rebuild. Drag the icon to the Rebuild icon, and drop it.
To stop the rebuild process at any time, select Abort from the rebuild dialog. The logical
drive will revert to array critical.
If you created a Hotspare, and Auto Rebuild was configured as Enabled, the RAID controller
will automatically rebuild the failed drive to a hotspare.
To determine if rebuild has been enabled (default), restart the system and press
when prompted during the MegaRAID BIOS. Then access Management>Objects>Adapter
and verify that Auto Rebuild is set to Enabled.
Removing a Drive
You can change the configuration of any logical drive by removing a physical drive from a
configured logical drive.
Ensure that you do not remove the logical drive where the operating system is located.
To remove a physical drive from a logical drive:
1. Drag the physical drive icon from the MegaRAID Power Console to the trash can. The
Change RAID Level dialog displays.