This device meets the requirements of the following standards: EN55032,
EN55103-2, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN62311.
Manual Authors: Collin Russell & Sebastian Lexer
Manual Design: Dominic D’Sylva
most interestingly of all, it can be the basis to zoom in and out of the
recognised source and its endless sonic modulations.
For example, setting the playback position of a captured piano note
shortly after the attack phase, with a grain length of approximately
300ms with a gaussian shaped texture and a slight spray will produce
a very convincing piano drone, especially when using a more modest
grain count, as the spray will ensure that not one grain is exactly like
another. In contrast, reducing density to a single grain, changing the
texture to sawtooth or pulse and reducing the spray will be like a stutter
or beat repeat effect where the length will decide on the speed.
After years of excitement and frustrations working with the software
system, I am now delighted to see these processes
available in a Eurorack module. With Jason Lim’s technical expertise
and interface design, informed by his musicality and instrumental talent,
became so much more than I had initially imagined.
Xenakis, Iannis, Formalized Music, 1992.
Roads, Curtis, Microsound, 2001