Instruction Manual C200
1.1 General information
Measuring and display features
Static measuring mode
Dynamic measuring modes :
Min, Max, Tir, Mean
Bore measuring mode with automatic function
Multi-gauging measuring modes :
Manual or automatic selection of 1 to 8 gauges
Measuring range / Resolution :
± 3.0 mm / 0.1 µm, 0.12 / 0.00001 inches ( inductive probes )
± 30 mm / 1 µm,
1.2 / 0.0001 inches ( inductive probes )
24 bit ( incremental measuring systems )
mm and inches
2-digit numeric display :
Gauge number
C1 … C8
Measuring input
P1 … P8
Basic setup menu
… LA
Numeric display ranges
Relative measurements : ± 9.9999 mm / ±99.999 mm, ±.99999 inches / ±9.9999 inches
Absolute measurements : 0 to 99.9999 mm / 0 to 999.999 mm, 0 to 9.99999 inches / 0 to 99.9999 inches
Number of grades
: 1…30
The C200 column gauge is an electronic gauge allowing
the connection of 1 to 8 inductive or incremental probes,
pneumatic gauge heads, sensors with analogue current or
voltage outputs and gauges with digital interfaces. The
extreme flexibility concerning the connection of sensors
and gauges is achieved due to the modular design and the
usage of IMBus modules.
The column gauge allows manual selection as well as
automatic selection of 1 to 8 gauges, including static and
dynamic measuring programmes and the optional classifi-
cation ( grading ) of components in up to 30 classes.
Highly sophisticated measuring programmes allow a quick
and simple calibration using 1 or 2 masters.
Two numeric displays allow indicating absolute measured
values, relative deviations or the classification of compo-
nents as well as the corresponding gauge number.
The 3-colour column display with superimposable toler-
ance marks gives a quick overview over the tolerance val-
ues of the components and is an ideal tool for controlling
workpiece characteristics in mass production.
The new Bus system of the C200 provides solutions for
most sophisticated measuring applications, simply by in-
terconnecting several column gauges.