Instruction Manual C200
4.4 Restrictor adjustment on IMB-ae1 moduls
Restrictor adjustment with 2 masters :
1. Use the encoder to select the
The calibration menu is password protected, if the numeric display indicates
( See
2. Select
function by turning the encoder (
flashes ) and then push the encoder
button to access the function.
3. Turn the encoder to select the measuring input (
P1 … P8
) with the corresponding measuring
converter, on which the restrictor adjustment is to be performed. The two-digit numeric display
shows the selected measuring input.
4. Insert the pneumatic gauge head into the MIN and MAX Master one after the other. The respective
measurement value ( “raw value” ) is indicated on the six-digit numeric display.
5. Adjust the restrictor till the indicated values of the MIN and MAX Master are laying approximately
symmetrically around 0 ( that means both have the same absolute value ).
Example :
Display on MAX Master =
Display on MIN Master =
- 0.4600
6. Push the encoder button to exit the setup menu (
function ).
The column gauge will automatically switch to the measuring mode.
Perform a gauge calibration before beginning measurement operation.
( Please refer to chapters 3.4 and 4.6 of this instruction manual for further information )
If a third master is available you can optimise linearity as shown below. Take care to perform a restrictor
adjustment with 2 masters before you continue.
1. Perform a gauge calibration ( see chapters 3.4 and 4.6 of this instruction manual ).
2. Measure the middle ( third ) master and compare the measuring value with the master size.
If the measuring value and master size are identical the restrictor is optimal adjusted.
If the measuring value is different than the master size, the restrictor adjustment has to be
changed. For this leave the gauge head inside the master and change the restrictor adjustment
till the measuring value is equal to the master size.
3. After changing the restrictor adjustment, repeat the points 1. and 2. until the difference between the
measuring value and the middle master’s size is zero.
Note : Before performing adjustment or calibration, please check that the correct air pressure
value is set at the pressure regulator’s output.