Instruction Manual C200
4. Working with the column gauge
4.1 Initial operation
Start by fitting the base and connecting the accessories ( probes, foot switches, etc. ).
Follow the instructions given in chapter 2 of this manual.
Then programme the column gauge for your application.
Follow the instructions given in chapter 3 of this manual.
Use the manual or the programming card in order to go through all settings.
Now use the master or a component to mechanically setup the probes in the holding fixture of
the measuring device.
See chapter 4.3
If pneumatic gauge heads are to be used, perform a restrictor adjustment on each IMB-ae1
pneumatic measuring converter.
See chapter 4.4
Perform column gauge zero adjustment or calibration.
See chapter 4.5 and 4.6
Note :
The IMBus modules have been calibrated at the factory for the specified type of probe
Recalibration by the user will only be necessary under exceptional circumstances, e.g.
when using uncalibrated probes or extension cables.
The column gauge is now ready for measurement operation.
4.2 Measuring operation
- Prior to starting measuring operation you should always perform an
automatic Zero adjustment
using the masterpiece supplied in order to compensate all offset errors caused by fluctuations in
temperature, wear and so on.
See chapter 4.5.
In Case of measuring applications using pneumatic converters ( or in case of special applications
requiring two masters ) an
automatic Gauge calibration
rather than an
automatic Zero adjustment
is performed.
See chapter 4.6.
The automatic gauge calibration corrects all offset and gain ( spread ) errors.
Switching from the
“automatic Zero adjustment”
to the
“automatic Gauge calibration”
is carried out by programming a second master in the
programming menu.
4.3 Mechanical setup of inductive probes
Inductive probes achieve their greatest degree of accuracy within a comparatively small
measuring range only. For this reason it is very important to setup the probes with great care.
1. Use the encoder to select the
The calibration menu is password protected, if the numeric display indicates
( See
2. Use the encoder to select and start the
3. The column display automatically changes to a display range of ±150 µm and sets two tolerance
marks at ± 50 µm for guidance.
4. Turn the encoder to browse through the “raw values” of the different measuring inputs from
5. Adjust the probe placed on a component or the master to its electric zero point. The probe has been
adjusted with sufficient accuracy if the displayed value is located in the green area ( ± 50µm ).
6. When all probes have been adjusted properly, push the encoder button to exit the setup mode. The
column gauge will automatically switch to the measuring mode.