Instruction Manual C200
3.4.2 Probe setup
Inductive probes achieve their greatest degree of accuracy within a comparatively small
measuring range only. It is therefore extremely important to carefully set up the probes at the
electric zero point. On selection of the
menu, the two-digit numeric display shows the
measuring input
and the six-digit numeric display indicates the “raw value” of the probe
connected to measuring input 1. The column display tolerance limits have automatically been
set to 50µm. The first inductive probe can now be set up. Place a component or a master in
the measuring device to do so. Adjust the probe in its holding fixture until the column diplay
turns green. Turn the encoder to activate all measuring inputs (
) one after the other
and to set up all inductive probes. Push the encoder button to exit the setup menu. The col-
umn gauge returns to the measuring mode.
3.4.3 Restrictor adjustment on IMB-ae1 pneumatic measuring converters
The IMB-ae1 is equipped with a restrictor enabling the adaptation of a wide range of pneu-
matic gauge heads and the minimization of linearity errors. The restrictor adjustment must be
performed only once and allows the best possible adaptation to the airflow of the pneumatic
gauge head used for measuring. In case of changing to a gauge head of a different manufac-
turer, the optimal adaptation can be restored by performing a renewed adjustment of the
restrictor. The adjustment is done by means of the column gauge’s setup menu. On selection
of the
menu, the two-digit numeric display shows the measuring input
and the six-
digit numeric display indicates the “raw value” of measuring input 1. The restrictor of the first
pneumatic measuring converter can now be adjusted. For optimum adjustment the procedure
with two masters is recommended. In case of highest requirements concerning measurement
linearity the adjustment can be performed with three masters. Both adjustment procedures are
described in chapter 4.4 of this instruction manual. Turn the encoder to activate all measuring
inputs (
) one after the other and to adjust the restrictors of all pneumatic measuring
converters. Push the encoder button to exit the setup menu. The column gauge returns to the
measuring mode.