Step 2
remove the default video tampering area.
Step 3
Enable Video tampering
checkbox to enable the video tampering detection.
Figure 8-44
Video Tampering Alarm
Step 4
Set the video tampering area; refer to
Task1: Set the Motion Detection Area
Step 5
to edit the arming schedule for video tampering. The arming schedule
configuration is the same as the setting of the arming schedule for motion detection. Refer to
Task 2: Set the Arming Schedule for Motion Detection
Step 6
Check the checkbox to select the linkage method taken for the video tampering. Audible warning,
notify surveillance center, send email and trigger alarm output are selectable. Please refer to
Task 3: Set the Alarm Actions for Motion Detection
Step 7
to save the settings.
8.7.3 Configuring Video Tampering Alarm
The exception type can be HDD full, HDD error, network disconnected, IP address conflicted
and illegal login to the domes.
User Guide
8 Speed Dome Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-12-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.