When the Stream Type of the dome is sub-stream, the Video Encoding standard can be set
to H.264, MJPEG.
I Frame Interval
Set the I-Frame interval to 1~400. The larger interval corresponds to the smaller stream
fluctuation, but the image quality will be lower.
There are supports up to 6 channels' visit, with a max. bandwidth of 30M. When the clients are more
than 3, the stream will be decreased to ensure accessing fluency.
If the live view is not fluent when you set MJPEG as the Video Encoding type, please lower the bitrate
value or set H.264 as the Video Encoding type.
Step 4
to save the settings.
8.5.2 Configuring Audio Settings
Step 1
Enter the Audio Settings interface:
Configuration > Basic Configuration > Video / Audio >
Configuration > Advanced Configuration > Video / Audio > Audio
Figure 8-25
Audio Settings
Step 2
Configure the following settings.
Audio Encoding: G.711 ulaw, G.711alaw, MP2L2 and G.726 are selectable according to the
audio encoding type of the storage server or platform.
Audio Input: MicIn and Linein are selectable for the connected microphone and pickup
Input Volume: Slid the bar to turn up/down the volume. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
Step 3
to save the settings.
8.5.3 Configuring ROI Settings
Before you start, ROI (Region of Interest) encoding is used to enhance the quality of images
which are specified in advance.
Stream Type: You can set the ROI function for main stream, sub stream or third stream. Select
a stream type and then configure the ROI settings.
User Guide
8 Speed Dome Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-12-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.