The speed dome obtains an IP address from the ISP.
Resolving Domain Names
A speed dome dynamically obtains an IP address through PPPoE, which causes inconvenience.
To solve this problem, obtain a domain name from the DDNS provider.
Domain name resolution contains public and private domain name resolution.
To resolve the changing IP address problem by public domain name resolution, perform as
Step 1
Obtain a domain name from a domain name provider.
Step 2
Set DDNS parameters on DDNSSettings page. Go to Configuration > Advanced Configuration
> Network >DDNS, and enable the DDNS, and then select the DDNS type. For details, see
Step 3
Visit the speed dome with the obtained domain name.
Figure 4-6
Public domain name resolution
To resolve the changing IP address problem by private domain name resolution, perform as
Step 1
Install and run the IP Server software in a computer with a static IP address.
Step 2
Access the speed dome over a LAN with a web browser.
Step 3
Set DDNS parameters on the
DDNS Settings
page of the speed dome.
Step 4
Select Enable DDNS.
Step 5
Select IP Server as the DDNS type.
Step 6
Enter the static IP address of the IP server in the Server IP box.
Step 7
User Guide
4 Network Connection and Setup
Issue 02 (2014-12-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.