[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/1] quit
[SwitchB] interface fortygige 1/1/2
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] port link-mode route
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] ip address 24
# Enable DHCP relay agent on FortyGigE 1/1/2.
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] dhcp select relay
# Add the DHCP server to DHCP server group 1.
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] dhcp relay server-address
# Enable authorized ARP.
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] arp authorized enable
[SwitchB-FortyGigE1/1/2] quit
# Enable recording of relay entries on the relay agent.
[SwitchB] dhcp relay client-information record
Configure Switch C:
<SwitchC> system-view
[SwitchC] ip route-static 24
[SwitchC] interface fortygige 1/1/2
[SwitchC-FortyGigE1/1/2] port link-mode route
[SwitchC-FortyGigE1/1/2] ip address dhcp-alloc
[SwitchC-FortyGigE1/1/2] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display authorized ARP information on Switch B.
[SwitchB] display arp all
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP Address MAC Address VLAN Interface Aging Type 0012-3f86-e94c N/A FGE1/1/2 20 D
The output shows that Switch A assigned the IP address to Switch C.
Switch C must use the IP address and MAC address in the authorized ARP entry to communicate
with Switch B. Otherwise, the communication fails. Thus the user validity is ensured.
Configuring ARP detection
ARP detection enables access devices to block ARP packets from unauthorized clients to prevent
user spoofing and gateway spoofing attacks. ARP detection does not check ARP packets received
from ARP trusted ports.
ARP detection provides the following features:
User validity check.
ARP packet validity check.
ARP restricted forwarding.
ARP detection logging.
If both ARP packet validity check and user validity check are enabled, the former one applies first,
and then the latter applies.