Mapping details tab
This tab details mapping details between source and target libraries. If a source library has been
selected, it will tell you whether Recovery is in process; if a target library has been selected, it will
tell you whether the target library is visible to the host. All other information is identical for both
source and target libraries. For example, use this tab to find out:
The number of mapped slots and replication status
The average throughput of data
Users with an Admin login may edit the Mapping Name on this tab.
Slot details
This tab displays details for each mapped slot in the selected slot mapping. It includes average
throughput data for each slot. If you have selected a source library, users with an Admin login will
be able to:
Edit the Target Slot to which a Source Slot is mapped.
Enable the
Recover First
checkbox, which enables a user to request that a mapped slot be
recovered from Target to Source, if required.
Running the replication wizard (virtual tape devices)
When you select a Non-Replicating library, you will be able to run the Replication or Recovery
The Replication Wizard is used to create new mappings between Non-Replicating Libraries (which
become Replication Source Libraries) and either existing or new Target Libraries.
Create a Non-Replicating Library on the Source Appliance.
Create a backup rotation scheme and allow the first full backup to run.
Decide how you will seed the first full backup on the Target Appliance. Are you seeding across
the WAN or have you been able to colocate the Target Appliance on the same LAN as the
Source Appliance? See the HP StoreOnce Backup system Best Practices Configuration Guide
for a more detailed discussion about seeding.
Go to the
Replication-VT Mappings
page and select a Non-Replicating Library to be converted
to a Replication Source Library.
Start Replication Wizard
and proceed to the Select Target Appliance step.
Click on the
show/hide details
link to check how many target appliances are permitted
and the number of target appliances that are currently configured.
VT Mappings (Replication)