Enter the appropriate details in the
Device details tab (page 16)
and click
. The
Cartridges tab is only generated after the library is created. The information on the Interface
Information tab is normally generated automatically.
Guidelines on creating libraries
The maximum number of virtual devices supported is split across VTL, NAS, and Catalyst devices.
The table below illunstrates maximum configurations for libraries and drives, but this number may
be limited if you have already created NAS shares and Catalyst stores. For more detailed device
configuration examples, refer to the HP Best Practices for VTL, NAS, StoreOnce Catalyst and
Replication Implementations.
Table 5 Maximum number of libraries and drives/slots per library
StoreOnce VSA
Maximum drives per library/appliance
(D2DBS and ESL emulation)
Maximum cartridges per library
D2DBS and ESL emulation)
Maximum cartridge size (GB)
To edit library details (administrators only)
It is possible to edit some, but not all, device details after creating a library. In particular, you
should be aware of the following:
You can delete cartridges by reducing the number of slots on the Devices page, but this will
only remove the highest—numbered empty slots. Once the Delete operation reaches a slot
number that contains a cartridge, it will not allow you to reduce the number further on the
Details page, even if earlier slots are empty. You must first use the Cartridges tab to delete
the cartridge from the slot.
If you change the cartridge size (by changing the emulation type) on this page, this will only
change newly-added cartridges; it does not change the size of cartridges that have already
been created.
You can reduce the number of drives but, if you go to 0, the port setting will go to "No Port".
You cannot change the library type to a type that has a smaller set of maximum values (e.g.
number of cartridges) than is currently set.
VTL (Virtual Tape Libraries) functions