Configuring blackout windows
Scheduling housekeeping blackout windows to cover the period during which backups are occurring
can significantly improve backup performance. Housekeeping windows apply across the whole
service set.
and enter the appropriate
Start of
End of Restriction
times for each window. Make
sure the
Apply First Time Restriction
box is checked. This ensures the times that have been specified
are enabled. If it is not checked, the times are ignored.
You may configure a maximum of two windows for each day. Settings apply to all devices on the
Ideally, housekeeping blackout windows should be set for those times when the HP StoreOnce
Backup system is running backup or replication. See the Best Practices for VTL, NAS, StoreOnce
Catalyst and Replication implementations for recommendations.
Pausing housekeeping
Pause Housekeeping
to pause housekeeping altogether (perhaps while you decide how best
to configure blackout windows). This setting applies to all devices, libraries and shares on the HP
StoreOnce Backup system. It is not retained if there is a power failure or the HP StoreOnce Backup
system is powered down.
Housekeeping should not be left in the paused state for significant amounts of time; use it only as
a test tool.
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