HP Onboard Administrator errors 168
323 Invalid SMTP server
324 Invalid SNMP Trap receiver
325 Invalid NTP server
326 Invalid EBIPA configuration. Multiple subnets were detected.
327 Specified VLAN ID does not exist.
328 Cannot delete the default VLAN ID
329 Maximum VLAN entries reached
330 Duplicated VLAN ID
331 Specified VLAN ID is invalid.
332 Operation partially successful
333 Duplicated VLAN name
334 A pending command already exists.
337 The remote syslog server address cannot be cleared while remote logging is enabled.
338 Invalid search context number
339 Not on the same VLAN ID domain
340 This command is not valid for auxiliary blades.
341 No LDAP groups currently exist.
342 The requested Derated Circuit Capacity is outside the allowable range of values for this enclosure.
343 The requested Rated Circuit Capacity is outside the allowable range of values for this enclosure.
344 The requested cap is greater than the requested Derated Circuit Capacity.
345 The requested Derated Circuit Capacity is greater than the requested Rated Circuit Capacity.
346 The requested set of bays to exclude cause the cap to be outside the allowable range.
347 The requested set of bays to exclude cause the Derated Circuit Capacity to be outside the allowable
348 The requested set of bays to exclude cause the Rated Circuit Capacity to be outside the allowable range.
353 IPv6 is currently disabled. Cannot download certificate from the specified address.
354 The date cannot be set to a date in the past.
356 The setting cannot be cleared while LDAP is enabled.
357 URB reporting using HTTP(S) cannot be enabled until an HTTP(S) endpoint has been configured.
358 URB reporting using SMTP cannot be enabled until an SMTP server and mailbox have been configured.
359 URB reporting using SMTP and HTTP(S) cannot be enabled until HTTP(S) and SMTP settings have been
360 Warning: Not all VC-Enet modules are on the same VLAN ID.
361 File doesn't exist.
362 This operation cannot be performed when AlertMail is enabled.
363 Setting SolutionsId failed