HP ProLiant server errors 76
1728-Slot X Drive Array - Abnormal Shut-Down Detected with Write-Back Cache
Audible Beeps
: None
Possible Cause
: No array accelerator battery backup exists on the array controller, but caching was
enabled. Any data that may have been in array accelerator memory has been lost due to the controller
power loss.
: Restore data from backup.
1729-Slot X Drive Array - Disk Performance Optimization Scan in Progress...
...RAID 5/6 performance may be higher after completion.
(sometimes followed by:)
* Automatic RAID 6 parity data reinitialization in progress after migration from another controller model – multiple
drive failure is not tolerated until this background initialization process completes.
Audible beeps:
Possible cause:
Automatic RAID 6 parity data reinitialization is in progress after drive migration from another
controller model, if you receive the (sometimes followed by:) message.
No action is required
1732-Slot X Drive Array - Cache Module Battery Pack Missing...
...Caching is disabled until additional Battery Packs are installed.
Audible Beeps
: None
Possible Cause
: Battery packs are detached from the controller or have failed.
: Check the battery pack to be sure the connection is secure. If the condition persists, then install a
replacement battery pack.
1733-Slot X Drive Array - Storage Enclosure Firmware Upgrade Problem Detected...
...Port x Box y
(Followed by one of the following:)
*Enclosure firmware upgrade needed - run Flash Components.
*Unable to read firmware version of one or more components
Possible Cause
: An incorrect enclosure firmware version is installed, or an enclosure firmware upgrade is
Upgrade the enclosure firmware and the controller firmware.
If the condition persists, then replace the enclosure components.
1735-Slot X Drive Array - Unsupported Redundant Cabling Configuration Detected...
...Multiple paths to the same enclosure/drives are not supported by this Smart Array firmware version. Access to all
drives has been disabled until redundant SAS cable(s) are detached, or firmware is updated to a version that supports