enclosure and diagnostic information if the Onboard Administrator detects a problem in the
enclosure. The Insight Display configures key settings in the Onboard Administrator, including the
IP address of the Onboard Administrator.
Onboard Administrator user interfaces
The following user interfaces to the Onboard Administrator enable control and provide information
about the enclosure and installed components:
Web interface GUI
Scriptable CLI
Insight Display
Remote network access to the Onboard Administrator GUI and CLI is available through the
management Ethernet port. The serial port of the Onboard Administrator is available for local CLI
access. The Superdome 2 compute enclosure link-up port is also available as the service port for
temporary local Ethernet access to the Onboard Administrators and devices in linked enclosures
using either the GUI or CLI.
For complexes that have the HP Superdome 2 Door Status Display, the enclosure service
port is routed through the rack-mounted E-Switch.
Access the Insight Display directly through the buttons on the display, or remotely through the
Onboard Administrator GUI.
Onboard Administrator authentication
Security is maintained for all Onboard Administrator user interfaces through user authentication.
User accounts created in the Onboard Administrator define three user privilege levels and the
component bays to which each level is granted access. Onboard Administrator stores the passwords
for Local User accounts and can be configured to use LDAP authentication for user group accounts.
The Insight Display can be protected by an LCD PIN code or completely disabled.
Role-based user accounts
Onboard Administrator provides configurable user accounts that can provide complete isolation
of multiple administrative roles such as server, LAN, and SAN. User accounts are configured with
specific device bay or interconnect bay permissions and one of the three privilege levels:
An account with administrator privileges including Onboard Administrator bay permissions can
create or edit all user accounts on an enclosure. Operator privileges allow full information access
and control of permitted bays. User privileges allow information access, but no control capability.
Onboard Administrator requires the user to log in to the web GUI or CLI with an account and
password. The account can be a local account where the password is stored on Onboard
Administrator, or an LDAP account. The Onboard Administrator contacts the defined LDAP server
to verify the user credentials. Two-factor Authentication enables even tighter security for the user
management session to Onboard Administrator.
Rather than requiring separate logins to multiple resources (once to each enclosure or once to
every server management processor or both), Onboard Administrator enables single-point access.
Thus, the administrator can use single sign-on to log in to a single Onboard Administrator and use
the web GUI to graphically view and manage the HP Superdome 2 components in the entire
complex. For example, an IT administrator can automatically propagate management commands,
such as changing the enclosure power mode, throughout the complex.