The thermal status of the airflow exiting the XFM. Possible
values are Unknown, OK, Degraded, and Failed.
Outlet Thermal Status
The power state of the XFM. Possible values are On or Off.
Diagnostic Information
Contains information on model name, part number, serial
number, and other information used to identify the device.
Device Identification Data
This data is also called FRU data. Device identification
data error displays if the data is not present or not readable
by the Onboard Administrator.
Management processor is not responding. Possible values
are OK or Error.
Management Processor
Temperature is above the warning threshold. Possible
values are OK or Temperature Warning.
Temperature is above the danger threshold. Possible values
are OK or Critical Temperature Threshold Reached.
Overheat Check
There is insufficient power to adequately power the XFM.
Possible values are OK or Insufficient Enclosure Power.
Power Allocation Request
Temperature is above the warning threshold. Possible
values are OK or Temperature Warning.
Device has failed; status was not requested by the Onboard
Administrator. Possible values are OK or Error.
Device Operational
XFM Link Status
Indicates the port on the XFM module.
Port Number
Current status of link to connected device. Possible values
are OK, Error or Unknown.
XFM Bay Information tab
Configuring HP Integrity Superdome 2 compute enclosures and enclosure devices