Set up this array but do not join a group. Continue to the next step.
Add this array to an existing group. Enter the IP address of the group.
If you chose to join an existing group, your browser redirects to the login screen of the group leader array. Refer to
the GUI Administration Guide or the CLI Administration Guide for steps on how to add an unconfigured array to a
group, and complete the configuration.
7. Provide or change the following initial management settings and click Finish:
Array name
Group name
Management IP address and subnet mask for the eth1 interface
Default gateway IP address
Domain name
(Optional) Administrator password
8. After a successful setup, click Continue.
Your browser automatically redirects to the Management IP address of the array.
Note: If the array does not initialize, check the cabling to the network switch and check the subnet mask.
9. In the login screen, type the password you set and click Log In.
From this point forward, you are in the operating system GUI.
10. Provide the Subnet Configuration information for the following sections and click Next:
a) Management IP:
IP address
Subnet mask
Note: The Management IP is used for the GUI, CLI, and replication. It resides on the management subnet and
floats across all "Mgmt only" and "Mgmt + Data" interfaces on that subnet.
b) Subnet:
Subnet label
Traffic Type – Data only
Traffic Assignment (This field is hidden if you are running a Fibre Channel array)
Discovery IP (This field is hidden if you are running a Fibre Channel array)
IP Address Zone – Single, Bisect, or Even/Odd (This field is hidden if you are running a Fibre Channel array)
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) – Standard, Jumbo, or Custom
Frame size in bytes – User specified value
Ensure that your network switches support the selected frame size.
Note: If Jumbo frames are selected, ensure that they are configured end to end. To confirm that Jumbo
frames are supported, perform an end-to-end ping with the jumbo frame size and without fragmentation;
for example: ping <hostname> -f -l 8972
The data port IP addresses are assigned to interface pairs, such as eth5 on controller A and eth5 on controller B.
If one controller fails, the corresponding port on the remaining controller still has data access. At least one interface
pair must be configured. However, a minimum of two is recommended.
Note: To add a data subnet, click Add Data Subnet, provide the required information.
Install the HPE Storage Array 38