Delta T Alerts are also displayed for performance related
issues such as dirty air filter, blocked registers, loss of
refrigerant, dirty a-coil, frozen a-coil, cracked heat exchanger,
dirty burners, burners need adjustment, etc.
Alerts are displayed to the user on the home screen. See Fig.
160 for an example.
Fig. 160.
When the user presses the alert for more information, the
Notification screen is displayed, prompting them to perform
some basic troubleshooting and, if the problem persists,
contact their dealer. See Fig. 161 as an example.
Fig. 161.
Alerts are also recorded in the Alerts Log. See “Data Logs”
Delta T Alerts and Utility Saver
For systems that might be interrupted by a utility saver switch
(conventional cooling and heat pumps in the heat and cool
mode), the thermostat will ask if a utility saver switch is
installed and provide an option to the user to turn off
diagnostics temporarily while power is interrupted by the utility
company. Diagnostics can be turned off for 1-14 days.
Fig. 162.
Fig. 163.
Data Logs
The Data Logs collect system information that can help point a
service technician in the right direction when troubleshooting.
When accessing the Data Logs, the installer can turn off each
log, delete current log entries, and save Data Logs to a
memory stick via the USB port. See “Using the Data Logs”
beginning on page 94 and “To save a Data Log to a memory
stick” beginning on page 95 for more information.
Data Logs include the Alerts Log, User Interactions Log, and
Performance Logs.