Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Instrumentation section
The instrumentation section contains gas-carrying and measurement components. These include
the double-block-and-bleed valve block (DBB) for gas channel switching as well as the sensor block
with pressure control and sensors, see also section
Description of the measuring method
. All this
is accommodated in the lower part of the instrument, the so-called functional housing and the
cylinder connected to it.
Only in the outside area there
are elements accessible to the
These are located on the left
and right of the functional
housing (see figure)
Figure 3.3:
Accessible elements of the
instrumentation sectiont
The gas to be analysed reaches the sensor block through the inputs via the DBB valve block. After it
has been analysed there, it returns to the bottom section of the housing on the right-hand side. The
right-hand flow meter and the right-hand needle valve are used to display and regulate the flow of
vent gas from the measurement. The side markings of this flow meter show the usual flow rates of
approx. 30 l/h (bottom) approx. 40 l/h (middle) and approx. 60 l/h (top).
The left-hand flow meter shows the gas flow in the bypass. This can be used optionally, e.g. for long
supply lines, to accelerate sampling. The flow rate is regulated by the needle valve below it. The ball
begins to float at approx. 55 l/h. The side markings indicate flow rates of approx. 90 l/h (bottom)
125 l/h (middle) and 160 l/h (top). When the upper end is reached, the maximum flow rate is set at
approx. 310 l/h.
The flow meters are used for visual function control and only for rough estimation of
the flow rate. If the ball is within the marks, there is enough flow for operation.
A gas flow already exists even with stationary balls.
Honeywell recommends the use of an additional flow meter in the gas path in cases
where the exact flow rate is critical.
(This can be removed again after the adjustment procedure)