Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Tip to transfer parameter or modbus tables into other programs:
For parameter tables select the whole table with (Ctrl-A), copy it (Ctrl-C) and then
paste into a different program like EXCEL.
For the Modbus-Table select the whole table (Ctrl-A) on the overview page to get a
list of all register numbers grouped by area, or open the register array of an area,
open all registers to see all the details and then copy it (Ctrl-C) and paste into a
different program like EXCEL.
The following is a brief description of the SFBs and AFBs:
Basic system (SFBs)
This SFB contains the basic functions such as time service, user
management or I/O functions. Also refer to the software concept at the start of
this section and the online help.
Do not change the configuration settings. (Only relevant for service
personnel.) Always make a note of the current / changed network settings on
the device. Without this information, you will be unable to establish any
Ne modifiez pas les paramètres de configuration. (Ne concerne que le
personnel de service). Notez toujours les paramètres réseau actuels ou
modifiés de la machine. Sans ces informations, vous ne pouvez pas établir de
The Q2 AFB contains the preset parameters for this specific device such as
calculation (standard), correction factor, base calibration, service calibration,
operational calibration, verification and limit values.
The flush times and composition of the calibration gases are also stored and
set there. These parameters are explained in the online help.
The Modbus, Postprocessing and User Archives AFBs are used for
calculations, archiving and data communication.
Their configuration has not been finalized on delivery. They must be adjusted
retrospectively and can essentially be freely selected.
The online help contains all the information required for these software
components, including those used in other enCore devices.
The Modbus AFB allows communication, for example, if TCP/IP has not been configured for the
data transfer or data exchange. It has its own operating manual, which you can download from the
Docuthek (
). The online help contains all the other information you require.