Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Working with archives and logs
Whenever changes occur or events come and go, this information is also written into the log. The
instrument has two logs called "
" and
"Audit trail"
in which events during operation are
stored as a history. The archive takes the form of a ring buffer with 1000 data records.
The header contains a timestamp with the precise calendar time at which the entry was
generated and an ascending ordinal (sequence) number for the log entry.
The text body contains the text with information about the reason the entry was
generated. This text depends on the cause and the settings in enSuite. It starts with the
name of the SFB/AFB which caused the entry.
All the data in the audit trail is also saved in the log
which means that the entire recorded history is visible in the latter.
The user cannot delete the entries.
see also enSuite online help
documents / saves events and protocol the device operation in this way. All the relevant data, like
logins, logouts and password changes, new set of parameters, can be viewed in these archives.
The archive content remains available in the event of a power failure or software update. When the
logbook is full, after 1000 entries, the next entry will overwrite the oldest data record.
Audit trail
is another protocol archive for documentation. It is part of the basic system and exists in all enCore
device types. A distinction is made between “
System /General
” and “
”. In the General section,
the oldest entry will be overwritten after 1000 entries have been created. In the Fiscal audit trail,
parameters can be recorded which can also be changed when the security switch (SSW) is closed.
Only if this switch is closed, will the actions be recorded; in all other cases, the archive will be empty.
This archive is primarily relevant for billing purposes. After 1000 entries, no changes can be made
to the legally relevant parameters unless the security switch (SSW) is open.
The fiscal audit trail is only filled if the SSW is closed and an approval file is used
which provides for the filling.
The terms "official", "fiscal" and "legal metrology" are used synonymously.
The archives can only be cleared/deleted
if the user has the appropriate rights and the SSW is open.
The three archives that are always available, “
Audit trail (system)
”, “
Audit trail (fiscal)
” and
”, document / store the corresponding events and thus
protocol the device operation.
individual archives
can be created via the parameterization in the AFB
User archive
. The
data can be read out, viewed, saved, backed up and exported using enSuite.