Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
You can distinguish between different types of parameters:
Selection of one of several options
Example: Selection of one of several calculation methods
: Entry of character string for identification purposes
Example: Name of a temperature sensor, e.g. serial number
: Entry of numerical constant
Example: “
Housing heater target temperature
” as a limit value for the monitoring of
Import value
: Assignment of an export value (result of another functionality)
Example: Assignment of the time event
Every hour
of the time service as trigger
The function blocks of the enCore software provide results which can be further processed by
other function blocks. These results are called
Export values
Value window
Export values
There is a window with a tab for export values in the parameterization interface of
enSuite. All export values are sorted here according to function blocks and made
available in a tree. The structure here is identical to the parameter tree structure in
the parameterization window.
The window is normally located on the right-hand corner of the screen.
It can be hidden so that a greater working area is available. The window is then
displayed once again after clicking on the Values button on the right-hand corner of
the enSuite window. If you simply move over the button using the cursor, the value
window is temporarily displayed.
export value name
is derived from the tree structure. The
export values
in the value window
are identified by a symbol. This symbol shows at a glance to which physical quantity the value
belongs. Examples:
Physical quantity
pressure (absolute or gauge)
volume (volume at base conditions, volume at measurement conditions)
heating value