Pearl, ATEC Sapphire and ATEC Emerald
Breast Biopsy and Excision System
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Preventive Maintenance Check List
Handpiece connections (3.8.1)
Vacuum Line Bulkhead fitting (3.8.2)
Pinch Valve (3.8.4)
Saline/ Placard Hooks (3.8.5)
Fans (3.8.6)
Fan Guards (3.8.7)
Base Trim Bumper (3.8.8)
Power Cord and Cord Retainer Clamp (3.8.9)
Caster Wheels (3.8.10)
Door Lock and Door Lock Arm (3.8.11)
Footswitch checked and tested (3.8.15)
Compressor and Vacuum Pump Mounts (3.8.16)
Replace muffler on compressor as needed
Silencer on vacuum valve (3.8.17)
A/C Power Switch (3.8.18)
Check pneumatic tubing (3.8.20)
Inspect electrical wiring (3.8.21)
Replace both AF10 (3.8.13)
Replace both AF20 filter and bowl (3.8.14)
Replace both valves, 5 Port (3.8.19)
Replace sponges (3.8.12)
Check for major dents and scratches, to repaint
Record these values after performing the Preventive Maintenance.
Air Motor Pressure non-MRI
Air Motor Pressure MRI
Cylinder Pressure
Pressure Switch Point
Vacuum Switch Point
Total Vacuum Draw Down
Cycle Time
Signature___________________________ Date______________
Completed by:
Console S/N: _______________________