Pearl, ATEC Sapphire and ATEC Emerald
Breast Biopsy and Excision System
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1. Using a .125” punch, carefully tap the front retaining pin out from the left to right (as
looking at the caster). The pin does not have to be completely removed. Use your
foot to prevent the caster from moving. DO NOT ENGAGE THE CASTER LOCK.
2. Remove the broken lever.
3. Obtain a replacement locking lever. Insert the new lever into the caster.
4. Carefully push the retaining pin back through the lever. Ensure the pin is centered.
5. Using the punch, ensure you can NOT push the pin back out by hand.
6. Engage the lock to lock the caster. Ensure the caster is locked both rotationally and
3.6.11 Door Lock and Door Lock Arm
Door Lock, outside.
Door Lock and Arm, inside.
1. Verify the door lock assembly is attached securely to the console.
2. In the locked position (key’s teeth down), the lock arm should be completely pointed
directly down.
3. In the unlocked position (key rotated counter clockwise 90°), the lock arm should
point to the right.
4. If the lock assembly has loosened, tighten it using the steps below.
Door Lock Repair
Part #
Loctite 222
Torque Wrench
7/16” Socket
7/8” Wrench
Loctite 242
1. Loosen nut far enough to expose threads near enclosure panel.
2. Apply 2-3 drops of Loctite 242.
3. Tighten nut with 7/8” wrench.
a. Caution: Do not over tighten as to distort the gasket.
4. Put the door lock in the locked position by rotating the key as far clockwise as it will
5. Remove screw and place a drop of Loctite 222 on the threads.
6. Insert screw through lock washer, flat washer, and lock arm and into door lock.