33 (46)
Web session is unexpectedly terminated
If the web session is unexpectedly terminated, this may be due to a connection timeout.
The timeout limit can be increased by editing the system parameter
Configuration Files, p. 39
A timeout may also occur if the gateway is currently busy with the collection and transmission of
meter data, which takes priority over web communication.
FTP login fails or file list is empty
Log in to the web interface as admin and check the FTP user password.
Log in to the FTP server as admin and check the communication log.
If login was successful (no errors in the communication log) but the files in the gateway are
not visible, try using your FTP client in FTP passive mode.
Check the network configuration and that the gateway is not blocked by firewall settings.
Contact your network administrator if in doubt.
M-Bus to Modbus-TCP Gateway User Manual
SCM-1202-0096-EN 2.1