Acquiring and Processing Meter Data
24 (46)
Acquiring and Processing Meter Data
The main task of the Anybus M-Bus to Modbus-TCP gateway is the processing and
transmission of meter data. For proper operation, the following issues must be considered:
The following requirements must be fulfilled for the Anybus M-Bus to Modbus-TCP gateway to
process and transmit meter data:
Each meter and value must be correctly configured and have a valid register address.
The read out meter data must be transmittable over Modbus TCP.
The Modbus TCP client must be able to interpret the meter data format.
Meter Configuration
Adding Meters Automatically
The Anybus M-Bus to Modbus-TCP gateway can scan the M-Bus for meters and add them
automatically without additional configuration.
Primary and Secondary Addressing
The M-Bus interface can use
addressing when accessing a meter.
Secondary addressing is recommended if the meters should be recognized and read out
without additional configuration. This is also the default setting.
If all meters are pre-configured with a unique primary address, it is recommended to use
primary addressing and to set the start and end addresses for the scan. The read-out process
will then be considerably faster than when using secondary addressing.
Another major advantage of primary addressing is that meters of the exact same type and
configuration (but different serial numbers) can be swapped without reconfiguring the gateway.
Mixed Configuration Scan
It is also possible to scan for primary addresses first and then for secondary addresses. Meters
that are detected only in the secondary scan are appended to the existing list. Meters that are
found in both scanning runs remain unchanged if already configured.
If a meter is found for the first time during the primary scan, the primary address is used for all
further requests. This applies also to secondary scan and secondary addressing.
The scan mode is selected on the
tab. The scanning process itself is started
from the
tab. See
Configuration, p. 9
M-Bus to Modbus-TCP Gateway User Manual
SCM-1202-0096-EN 2.1