8.3 Logging Printing
8.2.3 Screen Printing Settings
8.3.1 Logging Printing
8.3.2 Logging View Print Preview
8.3 Logging Printing
Click [
] on the menu bar, choose [
Screen Print
], then [
Page Settings
The "
Screen Print Settings
" dialog box will then appear. The settings made
in this dialog box will be applied to the screen printing of all waveform files.
1. Output Color
Choose an output color option from [
], [
Gray Scale
], and [
Black and
2. Position
When [
Print in the center of paper
] is checked, the image is printed in the
center of paper.
While the logging window of the waveform file you want to print is active,
click [
] on the menu bar and choose [
Logging Print
]. The "
" dialog
box will then appear. Complete the printer settings and click the <
button. The printer will start printing using the current logging print settings.
While the logging window of the waveform file you want to preview is
active, click [
] on the menu bar, then choose [
Logging Print Preview
]. A
preview will be displayed according to current logging print settings.