3. Media formats: ac3, asf, asx, m3u, mp2, mp3, MP4, ogg, pls, wav, wax, wma,
wmv and flac.
4. DAISY formats: DAISY 2.0, 3.0, BookShare.
5. programs: APK. Press “Enter” to install.
The menu contains the following items. Shortcuts are placed in parentheses, and
hotkeys are in quotes.
1) Open: (O) "Enter-O". Opens the selected file in the associated application for
its file type.
2) Open New Word Processor: (W) "Backspace-W". Appears only for supported
document files. Launches a second instance of the Word Processor instead of
opening the file in a currently open Word Processor.
3) Open With: (E) "Enter-E". Allows you to choose a compatible application with
which to open the selected file.
4) Zip (Z) "Enter-Z". Compresses the current file or folder.
5) Unzip (U) "Enter-U". Appears only for compressed files, extracts the current
6) Send To: (S) "Enter-S". Lets you send the current file or folder to a different
7) Rename (R) "Enter-R". Rename the current file or folder.