4. File Manager
4.1 Overview
The functionality and structure of the "File Manager" on the Polaris MINI are
similar to "Windows Explorer" on a PC. To run the "File Manager", press F from
the "Program" menu or press "Enter" when your cursor is placed on "File
Manager". You can launch the "File Manager" from anywhere on the unit by
pressing "F1-F". Close the "File Manager" by pressing "Space-Z".
The "File Manager" contains 2 basic areas: an "address window" and the content
list. You can navigate between them using "F3" and "Space-F3". When you first
open the "File Manager", you are placed in the drive list. By default, you are placed
on the internal "flashdisk". If an SD card or USB drive is connected, it also appears
in the list. You can use "Space-1" or "Space-4" or the scroll buttons to navigate
the items in the drive list. Press "Enter" on the drive you want to open. The Polaris
MINI then displays the list of the files/folders on that drive.
The "address window" contains the path of the current directory or file.
The "File Manager" contains both menus and hot keys, allowing you to easily
activate items in the program with a single keystroke as well as to access
functions through the menus for commands you have not memorized. You can
bring up the menus by pressing "Space-M" or "F2". For the purposes of the
directions in this chapter and the rest of this manual, we will use F2. However,
either keystroke will perform this function.