same system. It also converts several units of measurement related to
programming and computers.
To open the "Convert Unit" dialog, Select "Convert Unit" from the Calculator's
menu, or press "Enter-U" from anywhere in the Calculator.
The "Convert Unit" dialog contains the following items: "Unit Category" combo
box, "Current Unit" combo box, "Change Unit" combo box, "Input Number" edit
box, "Convert" button, "Cancel" button and the "Result" static box. You can move
among the controls in the dialog using "Tab (F3 or Space-4-5)" or "Shift-Tab
(Space-F3 or Space-1-2)". Use "Space-1" or "Space-4" to move among the items
in the combo boxes.
The available unit categories are Distance, Area, Mass, Volume, Temperature,
Data, numbers and Text. When you have chosen your measurement category,
the "Current Unit" and "Change Unit" combo boxes will contain measurement
units according to your chosen category. The available distance units are:
Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Kilometers, Inches, Feet, Yards, and Miles. The
available units of area are: Square Meters, Are, Square feet, Square Yards,
Acres, and Hectares. The available units of mass are: Grams, Kilograms, Tones,
Grains, Ounces, and Pounds. The available units of volume are: Deciliter,
Milliliter, Liter, Cubic Centimeter, Cubic Meter, Cubic Inch, Cubic Foot, Cubic
Yard, Gallon, Fluid oz, Cups and Quarts. The available units of temperature are:
Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.