You can use the "Record" button to create a recording using the internal
microphone or an external microphone from anywhere on the unit provided the
Media Mode switch is set to the right-most position. Pressing the "Record" button
once opens the "Record" dialog. Press the "Record" button again to start
recording. Press the "Record" button while you are recording to pause recording.
Resume recording by pressing the "Record" button one more time. Press the
"Stop" button to stop and save your recording. The recorded file is saved in the
"flashdisk/music/record" folder.
The "Stop" button is located in the center of the group and has a dot on it. It is
used to stop playback or recording. If you press "Stop" during audio playback,
the next time media playback is launched, the Polaris MINI starts playing the first
file in the playlist. If you press this button while recording, the Polaris MINI stops
and saves the recording. If you press the "Stop" button in the "Record" dialog
when not recording, the dialog closes.
7.1.2 Media Player Layout
You can use the Braille keyboard to perform the same functions as the media
buttons as well as more advanced features in the Media Player.
The playback dialog contains two information tabs: "playback information" and
"playlist". Press "F3" or "Space-F3" to move between these tabs.
The "playback information" tab displays the track number, the file name, and the
current playback status: (play, pause, or stop). If there are no files in the playlist,