Delete Memo: Backspace-d (dots-1-4-5)
Exit and erase position without prompt: Enter-z (dots-1-3-5-6)
Exit and erase marks without prompt: Backspace-z (dots-1-3-5-6)
15.7 Organizer
15.7.1 Address Manager Navigation When Adding an Address
Move to the previous field or menu item: Space-1 or Up Scroll button
Move to the next field or menu item: Space-4 or Down Scroll button
Move to the first field or menu item: Space-1-2-3
Move to the last field or menu item: Space-4-5-6 Navigation in Search Results List
Move to the previous record: Space-1 or Up Scroll button
Move to the next record: Space-4 or Down Scroll button
Move to the first record: Space-1-2-3
Move to the last record: Space-4-5-6
Move to Record information: F3 General Commands
Add address: Enter-i (dots 2-4)
Find address: Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Edit address: Enter-m (dots1-3-4)
Delete address: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)