"Enter", and you are prompted to enter the name and the format of the file to be
saved. This dialog is the same as the "Save As" dialog in the "Word processor".
8.2.5 Backing up and Restoring Your Appointments
If you perform a hard reset, or your battery dies, all of the data in the Schedule
Manager is lost. Thus, it is very important to create a backup file each time you
change your schedule. To backup your schedule, Select "Backup Appointments"
from the menu, or press "Enter-U" to activate this function directly.
If you already have a backup file, you are prompted, "Backup file already exists.
Backup anyway? Yes". If you have made changes to your schedule, press "Enter"
to create a new backup file. To keep the previous backup file, press "Enter" on
no. If you make a backup file again in the Schedule Manager, a new backup file
is created with the extension DAT, and another file is created with the extension
BAK containing your previous backup file.
To restore your schedule after a hard reset, Select "Restore Appointments" from
the menu, or press "Enter-R" to activate this function directly.
If you have an existing schedule, you are prompted, "Schedule file already exists.
Which do you prefer? Append" or, press "Space-4" to move to "Overwrite". If you
choose to append, and the backup file contains appointments that also exist in
your current file, you will have redundant appointments. If you choose to overwrite
and your current schedule contains appointments the backup file does not, these
appointments are lost.